Dried Apricot Wine

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Senior Member
Nov 15, 2012
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Apricot Wine

• 8 lb. chopped dried apricots
• 3 can White Grape/Peach
• 3# Mexican Sugar (Piloncillo)
• 2# Dark Brown sugar
• acid blend
• Water to 4+ gal
• 4 tsp. pectic enzyme
• 1tsp. grape tannin
• 4 crushed Campden tablet
• 3 tsp. yeast nutrient
• 1 pkg Red Star Côte des Blancs wine yeast
• 5# bananas simmered in water

1-17: I cut up 5# of over ripe bananas and simmered them in 3 gal of water for an hour. I strained off the solids and put it in primary along with enough water to make slightly more the 4 gal. Chopped apricots with food processor and put in nylon bag. Added remaining ingredients except yeast. sg 1.095ish

1-18: sg 1.100. pitched yeast, hydrated with Go-Ferm

1-19: Forgot to check acid before I pitched yeast so I did today. PH 4.3, TA 2.4 FermCalc says to add 28.324rg blend to get to 6. Added 20gr for now.

1-20: bubbling away just fine. I had to retie the nylon bag a little looser. The fruit swelled up and I though the bag would burst!

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Sounds pretty tasty! Is this something you have made before? I have a couple of one gallon experimental dried apricot wines going as my initial effort. One recipe is pretty similar and the other uses golden raisins instead of white grape.

I would like to hear how this ends up as both of my batches ended up kind of stuck just a hair above 1.000. I used EC-1118 on one and K1-V1116 on the other. Only time in 30+ batches.... They have both cleared very nicely and will bottle in a month or two.
Sounds pretty tasty! Is this something you have made before? I have a couple of one gallon experimental dried apricot wines going as my initial effort. One recipe is pretty similar and the other uses golden raisins instead of white grape.

I would like to hear how this ends up as both of my batches ended up kind of stuck just a hair above 1.000. I used EC-1118 on one and K1-V1116 on the other. Only time in 30+ batches.... They have both cleared very nicely and will bottle in a month or two.

This my first attempt at this type of wine. It is a modified Jack Keller recipe. I thought about using raisins but went with the concentrate instead. The Piloncillo and brown sugar gave the must a great aroma.

Did you use any nutrient? I wounder why yours stopped where it did.

I did use nutrient, just the standard amount. For both batches I just did a standard yeast culture per Lalvin's instructions on the sachet. Both batches stopped within a day or two of racking to secondary. I had been stirring twice a day, so I don't think aeration was a problem.

It still looks gorgeous and smells delicious, so it should be OK. Just a little sweeter and weaker than I like. One batch is at 1.000 and the other at 1.006. The highest final gravity I had ever had a fruit wine ferment to before in about a dozen batches was .994.
This recipe sounds fabulous! I've been thinking of doing a dried apricot mead and a fresh apricot mead to see what the difference would be like. I love the sound of using the darker sugars in it too!

Keep us posted!
This recipe sounds fabulous! I've been thinking of doing a dried apricot mead and a fresh apricot mead to see what the difference would be like. I love the sound of using the darker sugars in it too!

Keep us posted!

Thanks, it smell awesome!! I will keep you posted. Just checked sg,1.024 so I will be racling to secondary in a few days.

I have yet to make a mead. The cost of honey is a little much for me this time of year. I will keep my eye open for a deal this summer though.

Hey there RegionRat,
How is this one coming?

It cleared nicely and is aging. The apricot taste is still coming forward. The mouth feel is very nice, I think it has to do with the bananas that I boiled and added to the must. I am going to check SO2 at next racking and will sample then. I dont think it will be bottled till Feb or March.

Did you ever start one?

I actually scored 20# of fresh apricots in the late summer for a steal. They've been sitting in my freezer since then waiting for a) honey, and b) recipe inspiration! I've been really looking forward to hearing your results :)

I just started a thread asking for advice on an apricot port based on people's experiences. Please chime in when you have time!

If I had the means, there would be apricots in every form at my house: canned, fresh, wines, ports, meads etc. etc. I love them! Just planted two trees this year, but it will be awhile before they start producing.
The dried apricot/white grape wine got such rave reviews that I just started another batch. Probably the most delicious fruit wine I have ever made. Going to pitch the K1-V1116 tonight. Thinking of using the raw sugar on the next batch of peach and/or persimmon.
The dried apricot/white grape wine got such rave reviews that I just started another batch. Probably the most delicious fruit wine I have ever made. Going to pitch the K1-V1116 tonight. Thinking of using the raw sugar on the next batch of peach and/or persimmon.

I take it you have already bottled yours?

Mine still needs to age, I dont see it being ready to bottle for at least another 6 months. It is clear as a whistle but the fruit flavor is still not all there.

The raw sugar(Piloncillo) does give it a good taste. I use it all the time in the cider I make.

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