Second round of apple

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May 4, 2010
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I purchased a gallon of apple juice from an organics store here some time ago and did a 1 gallon batch of more or less apple wine. It was clear in about 30 days and by 45 days from the day I started it, it was all gone. SO

Back to the store and 5 gallons later I now have my second round of this going. I will be picking up another 5 gallons next week to add cinnamon to.
For this 5 gallons here is the recipe I am using

5 gallons apple juice (nothing added and some pulp still in the juice)
2.5 tsp yeast nutrient
2.5 tsp yeast energizer (ran out LOL)
2.5 tsp pectic enzyme
5 tsp acid blend
1560 grams of sugar (heated to melt with some of the juice)

Starting SG 1.080
Pitched D-47 yeast
It has only been 3 hours since I pitched the yeast and there is already a foam forming.

Away we go,,,,,,,

Stay tuned next week will be the other 5 gallons with cinnamon added and a starting SG of only 1.070.
Til then .........
apple wine

you know I never tasted a apple wine that I like ,HOWEVER reading thi I deceied to try ,we have some great apple farms here in nj.and moods is the best ,so i printed out this and decided to give it a try,they to have the best apple and peach fresh squeezed product,,,want to do things different this year,will start with this. :slp
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PWROSE I have 6 gallons of apple cider I'm going to start soon. I have 6 gallons that I just racked to clear this morning. My second batch I'll take Luc's suggestion and use honey as opposed to sugar.

What I used was for a 6 gallon batch, 21 drops of pectic enzyme, 6 teaspoons nutrient, 3 teaspoons grape tannin, 4 teaspoons powdered cinnamon. I'll check the acid after it has cleared and adjust.

First batch I added cinnamon sticks to the bulk aging for 6 months. This time I tried adding the powder to the primary. We'll see how it tastes if there's a difference.
You know I have been thinking about what he said in the other post (Luc that is) and if I can get some honey I might try that with the second 5 gallon batch, that one will be with cinnamon as well.
Since this was brought up, i took a look at the SG just a few mins ago and it was already down to 1.035, so its moving on along. I forget who does this but someone had posted that they leave thier hydrometer in the primary so as to make quick SG readings, well I have done that with this one and it seems to work out real nice.

Til next time, I have more bees to go work on, just got back with a really swollen hand. Thats what happens when you forget your gloves and wind up pissing the bees off. LOL
The bubbling from the airlock on the secondary was down to what I would consider the self degassing stage. So I check the SG and yep it was at .996 it had been this was for the last 2-3 days, I considered it done with the ferment and racked it to another carboy for clearing. Added 3 tsp of sorbate (I know by directions thats 1/2 tsp more than it calls for) replaced the airlock and set to clear.

I will pick up some Motts apple juice to condense down for back sweetening. If this batch goes as fast as the first one gallon batch I should be able to bottle this by the end of October or at least by the middle of Nov.
What happens when you over sorbate.
Well I did, I forgot that I had already added the sorbate, and I didn't log it in the note for the last racking. I did note it here how funny.
So I racked it over to another carboy and added 6 cups of Motts apple juice that was condensed down from 8 cups. This only brought the SG up to .998, I have another half gallon of apple juice I am going to condense down and add some sugar to it to help bring up the SG to the 1.010 that I am targeting.

Til next time
I would say take a small taste and see if you detect any off tastes/odors. If not, consider yourself lucky. If you do you will have to blend your wine as sorbate will not come out over time. Never add sorbate without sulfite somewhere along the line as you will get an odd taste.

Adding inverted sugar made with water may be enough to help and may cover (mask) the taste.
I dont use sulfites.
Hopefully it will be ok, I still need to add more apple juice f-pak. I am looking to get the SG up to 1.010 and it is only at .998 right now.
Does anyone know the best way to fix an over sorbate problem. I dont know that I have one yet but since I have doubled up on the sorbate I am worried that this will be a waste. Since the first one gallon batch was ready to drink in 45 days I made this batch with Thanksgiving in mind. So if I do run into a problem with the sorbate off flavors what is the best way to fix it.

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