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    • BernardSmith
      I agree with Rice_Guy, the amount of tannin and acidity are not likely to be different, BUT there are two distinct aspects to acidity...
    • BernardSmith
      BernardSmith reacted to Rice_Guy's post in the thread How do I make a low alcohol wine? with Like Like.
      From a chemistry point I would keep the targets the same. Tannin is an antioxidant and allows traditional ciders to survive aging. You...
    • BernardSmith
      Just to comment that as Winemaker81 suggested, activity in an airlock really tells you very little. In the first place, no activity can...
    • BernardSmith
      Gotta say that many of the responses are on target, but let me add a couple of different notes. 1. Most table fruit has the equivalent...
    • BernardSmith
      BernardSmith replied to the thread Sparkling sumac wine?.
      If you still have that bottle, you can try an experiment around whether the sumac wine might taste delightful as a sparkling wine or...
    • BernardSmith
      BernardSmith replied to the thread Torani syrups?.
      Given that there are 19 g of sugar in every 2 T and so there are 152 g in every cup, so there are 608 g in 4 cups of the syrup is 1.3...
    • BernardSmith
      BernardSmith replied to the thread Post flavoring.
      Much appreciated. I have a half a bottle of Torani pistachio flavored syrup that I acquired from a family member. I guess I will use it...
    • BernardSmith
      BernardSmith reacted to Rice_Guy's post in the thread Post flavoring with Like Like.
      Torani products are expensive. No I wouldn’t try to ferment them. It is cheaper to go to Walmart and buy frozen strawberry. Torani...
    • BernardSmith
      BernardSmith replied to the thread Post flavoring.
      Resuscitating this thread, Rice_Guy. You suggest that you have used Torani strawberry syrup in wine making. Does that mean that you used...
    • BernardSmith
      BernardSmith reacted to Rice_Guy's post in the thread Post flavoring with Like Like.
      A puree means that it is pulp with all the fiber which settled out at first racking. Technically it can sweeten and increase flavor...
    • BernardSmith
      BernardSmith replied to the thread Torani syrups?.
      Ohio Bob, Is that because the Benzoate acts much like K-Sorbate and prevents yeast from budding (reproducing)? Would a large enough...
    • BernardSmith
      BernardSmith reacted to Ohio Bob's post in the thread Torani syrups? with Like Like.
      I’ve used Torani to flavor my blackberry ports. I would not recommend fermenting these syrups, but only use as a flavoring or back...
    • BernardSmith
      Asking a question about the ability of yeast to ferment syrups when the ingredients include Sodium Benzoate as preservative. Can yeast...
    • BernardSmith
      IME you don't need to replace K-meta or sorbate every 6 months. Vendor docs indicate sorbate, in correct storage conditions, is good...
    • BernardSmith
      BernardSmith replied to the thread Skeeter Pee - a Question.
      That explains a lot, but I wonder if novice wine makers might assume that they could use their city tap water with no problem.
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