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    • NorCal
      NorCal reacted to Garagista's post in the thread Fixing my Ferrari with Like Like.
      Since it is off season, I went ahead and did the famous upgrade to my Ferrari corker ala @NorCal. Rather than bolts, I used a pin to...
    • NorCal
      NorCal reacted to crushday's post in the thread I'm going commercial... with Like Like.
      Yep, well aware of this. I have been doing free tasting events for a couple years now. I have an executive chef and we work together...
    • NorCal
      NorCal replied to the thread New corker.
      I picked up a very used Ferrari and had to do repairs on the wear areas. I’ve since bottle >12,000 bottles with no repairs or...
    • NorCal
      NorCal reacted to VinesnBines's post in the thread New corker with Like Like.
      Glad you numbered the brass jaws. I hope you took a picture before you took them out. They are beast to get lined up.
    • NorCal
      NorCal replied to the thread StarSan Wine.
      No problem, I’ve done worse, like 300ml. Did blind taste test of the wine later…..which carboy did I forget to empty the starsan out...
    • NorCal
      NorCal replied to the thread I'm going commercial....
      George, You will crush it! You’re great at making wine, running a business and making your dreams happen. Congratulations! Ken
    • NorCal
      NorCal reacted to crushday's post in the thread I'm going commercial... with Like Like.
      It will come as no surprise to those who recognize my posts on this site that I've decided to take my winemaking to the next level and...
    • NorCal
      A good % of the wines (600-1000 bottles per year) I make fall into the 3.8 category. As others have said, tannin, alcohol%, cork...
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