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    • wineview
      wineview reacted to AFW's post in the thread Transfer Pump with Like Like.
      Wineview, Not anymore complicated than the All in one or what you posted. I was just offering another option as there are some on here...
    • wineview
      wineview replied to the thread Transfer Pump.
      Moderator (Bryan) Note: The transfer pump discussion is a good one, but way off topic from the AiO pump, so I moved the discussion to...
    • wineview
      wineview replied to the thread REVIEW: *allinonewinepump*.
      Before storing any equipment, I rinse with StarSan and let drip dry. Hoses, carboys siphons etc. Never had an issue. Perhaps the...
    • wineview
      wineview replied to the thread REVIEW: *allinonewinepump*.
      I’m curious. Why would you rinse the Kmeta solution out of the hoses before storing.
    • wineview
      wineview replied to the thread REVIEW: *allinonewinepump*.
      True but I’m still lifting a carboy. To me the All in One looks like a lot of hoses and gadgets that then need cleaning and sanitizing.
    • wineview
      wineview replied to the thread REVIEW: *allinonewinepump*.
      Seems I’m always siphoning into a bucket to degass or so I can reuse the carboy. Into a bucket clean and sanitize the carboy back into...
    • wineview
      wineview replied to the thread REVIEW: *allinonewinepump*.
      Can you use the all in one pump from carboy to a bucket and vice versa? Or does there need to be a vacuum on both ends?
    • wineview
      wineview replied to the thread film found while 1st racking.
      Could this be an over abundance of tartaric acid?
    • wineview
      wineview replied to the thread Glycerin Question.
      Initially I started with a liquid bacteria that really did nothing. The weather was hot and the shipper didn’t cool pack it. I think the...
    • wineview
      wineview replied to the thread Glycerin Question.
      The reason for asking is this. I had a couple of fresh Barolo buckets that refused to convert. I took multiple chromatography tests with...
    • wineview
      wineview replied to the thread Glycerin Question.
      Will MLF work on fresh juice buckets?
    • wineview
      I’ve never froze the juice but I have kept the skin packs in a freezer for 6-8 months.
    • wineview
      wineview replied to the thread Glycerin Question.
      Yeah mine are 60-65 F. I was thinking that might be too cold. Thanks for confirming it isn’t.
    • wineview
      wineview reacted to Garagista's post in the thread StarSan Wine with Like Like.
      Yeah, that’s less than .5% starsan. I would challenge you to be able to detect it in your finished wine. I think you are OK.
    • wineview
      wineview replied to the thread Glycerin Question.
      is it more difficult to mix glycerine in cold wine?
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