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    • J
      JBP replied to the thread Plum wine.
      Thanks, Rice_Guy - while not a lab expert, I am somewhat confident of the TA number. Tested first with my pH meter (titrating to 8.2...
    • J
      JBP reacted to Rice_Guy's post in the thread Post a Meme, any Meme! (no politics) with Haha Haha.
      well this is obvious, it is the tool for removing flour beetles in the kitchen at grad school
    • J
      JBP replied to the thread Plum wine.
      Finally got to test this wine - fermentation stopped right at 1.000. The pH is 3.36 and TA is 11.9 g/L. Have not done bench trials...
    • J
      JBP reacted to Rice_Guy's post in the thread Plum wine with Like Like.
      I like chestnut or apple soft tannin. I have overdone using crab apple, so encourage bench trial, if only for choosing what flavor notes...
    • J
      JBP replied to the thread Plum wine.
      Helpful info - thanks. Quick glance at Scott Labs: FT Rouge = chestnut Tannin Riche/Riche Extra = Oak I have both on hand. If we go...
    • J
      JBP replied to the thread Plum wine.
      Thanks, Rice_Guy. Wasn't a mercaptan type flavor. Almost more of a sensation than flavor. A bit of a green, acidic flavor to start...
    • J
      JBP posted the thread Plum wine in Country Fruit Winemaking.
      Coaching a friend through making his first wine (plum) - no idea what type of plums. Plums from his trees were pitted and frozen as they...
    • J
      JBP replied to the thread Show Us Your Pets.
      Tough night for you and so glad to hear a good outcome. No surprise they are tired. Keep the collars charged (somehow, the dogs seem to...
    • J
      JBP reacted to David Violante's post in the thread Risking carboy failure? with Like Like.
      My cleaning process is similar to Bob’s except the water isn’t as hot. I made a drill mounted carboy cleaner with a plastic rod and...
    • J
      JBP replied to the thread Risking carboy failure?.
      Thanks to all for helpful replies. I do intend to continue using glass and appreciate the suggestions. It sounds like my risk is pretty...
    • J
      Starting a new thread after reading about glass carboy failures in this thread about headspace. Considering purchase history and price...
    • J
      I think Austin Homebrew is online only -they closed their storefront a couple of years ago.
    • J
      Like Bryan pointed out, I wanted to try barrels and the used whisky or bourbon barrels were much less expensive than new. I’m using...
    • J
      Thanks so much for the quick responses (as always with this group!). I planned ahead for my start into the world of barrels as I assumed...
    • J
      Building on an older thread with a new question: I started my barrel journey with a smaller format, fresh dump bourbon barrel (~6+...
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