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    • StimVino
      a tool for balancing wines The figure below is an update of the 2021 post of first place wines which have been evaluated in a contest...
    • StimVino
      StimVino reacted to ibglowin's post in the thread Alcohol vs. Cancer with Like Like.
      This popped up on my feed today.......... From Dr. Brian Lawenda a radiation Oncologist in FL. For years, public health messages...
    • StimVino
      StimVino reacted to crushday's post in the thread I'm going commercial... with Like Like.
      It will come as no surprise to those who recognize my posts on this site that I've decided to take my winemaking to the next level and...
    • StimVino
      StimVino replied to the thread The Cran Plan.
      Agree with Winemaker81 process. But would add that it’s important to take daily SG readings so that you know if the ferment is slowing...
    • StimVino
      StimVino reacted to winemaker81's post in the thread The Cran Plan with Like Like.
      In the past few years I've been adding 2/3 of the nutrient just prior to inoculation, and the remaining 1/3 at 1/3 depletion OR after 48...
    • StimVino
      StimVino replied to the thread The Cran Plan.
      My 2 cents is to step feed the yeast nutrients to avoid a stuck ferment. Cranberry is notorious for being difficult to complete...
    • StimVino
      StimVino reacted to Raptor99's post in the thread The Cran Plan with Like Like.
      The TA is important for flavor, but pH is important for wine chemistry. They are both important, but for different reasons. If the pH is...
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