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Greg Corey
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    • Greg Corey
      Greg Corey replied to the thread Harvest 2024.
      Very cool. Thanks!
    • Greg Corey
      Greg Corey reacted to bloombrews's post in the thread Harvest 2024 with Like Like.
      @Greg Corey , Here is what you can get with a Fementrack Dashboard. It is awesome to keep track of your precious Brew, Wine...
    • Greg Corey
      Greg Corey reacted to mgmarty's post in the thread The 2024 crop year with Like Like.
      Foch is harvested. Beautiful morning in Utah Ph 3.83 Brix 26.6
    • Greg Corey
      Greg Corey replied to the thread Harvest 2024.
      Fermentrack looks awesome! I've been considering creating my own raspberrypi or ardunio/spark based temperature logger. I don't really...
    • Greg Corey
      So, I enlarged this and started running various elements of it through Google Lens. It turns out the Schenleys Red Label Gin design is...
    • Greg Corey
      I'm an archivist and soemtimes get alcoholic beverage related photos. This is an interesting one. Looks like they got drip jars attached...
    • Greg Corey
      Greg Corey reacted to Rice_Guy's post in the thread The 2024 crop year with Like Like.
      I have been picking at the local winery, plus a bit of my own. This year some varieties have suffered with rain several times a week/...
    • Greg Corey
      Greg Corey replied to the thread Harvest 2024.
      That is quite the pile of grapes. Are you doing a field blend or is that just a wonderfully pleasing photo? I'm curious about your...
    • Greg Corey
      Greg Corey reacted to Obbnw's post in the thread Harvest 2024 with Like Like.
      I finished picking the baco and finished netting the tannats Tuesday night. Picked 15 lbs of baco and about 7 lbs of tempranillo from...
    • Greg Corey
      Greg Corey reacted to Musissa's post in the thread Harvest 2024 with Like Like.
      We finished picking and destemming our Frontenac. We have only 1 vine. 8lbs of berries are now in freezer waiting for the rest of our...
    • Greg Corey
      Greg Corey reacted to Musissa's post in the thread Harvest 2024 with Like Like.
      My Frontenac has small berries too and wasps love how they taste! They even decided to build a new nest there which I found and...
    • Greg Corey
      Greg Corey replied to the thread Harvest 2024.
      Weird harvest year. I got about half yield from the last 6 year average. Super small berries on my Aromella and lots of sunburn and...
    • Greg Corey
      Greg Corey replied to the thread Crusher..
      Sounds good. I probably won't harvest again until the week after. I'll message you directly so we can coordinate.
    • Greg Corey
      Greg Corey replied to the thread Crusher..
      I have the Enotalia crusher/destemmer manual version. If you don’t trust the machine to destem then just get the crusher but it really...
    • Greg Corey
      Greg Corey replied to the thread Interesting wine making video.
      I have found that it's not necessarily the cold winters that affect the Vinefera grapes in Utah, it's the regular late frosts (mid may...
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