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    Lugs to Must to Juice to Bottle Calculation

    @NorCal can you please share this file if possible?
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    Blue plastic barrel (HDPE-2) after transporting iodine powder ??

    I picked up two food grade 55 gallon blue barrels today. One had Mango concentrate and the other had Triethyl Citrate in it. I put 5 gallons of a hot oxy clean scent free solution in each and sloshed it around for 30 minutes now I am filling full of water and will let it sit over night. Tomorrow...
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    "Household Wine" container, AKA Fustino

    Thanks! This is good for big batches but I am looking for something smaller that can fit on the counter top and fit a few bottles. I found Astrapouch and thinking about trying that.
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    "Household Wine" container, AKA Fustino

    Hi can you share details on the bags your using?
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    Sorbate instead of bicarbonate :-(

    So I checked the Montepulciano tonight and it’s producing the tiny bubbles that looks like MLF just like the other wines. No yet. The last time I measured FSO2 after fermentation complete it was 45 ppm. I wonder if everything is ok…
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    Sorbate instead of bicarbonate :-(

    So I checked the Montepulciano tonight and it’s producing the tiny bubbles that looks like MLF just like the other wines. No yet. The last time I measured FSO2 after fermentation complete it was 45 ppm. I wonder if everything is ok…
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    Cracked 5 gal glass Carboys

    I just had a 5 gallon crack on the bottom as well. Luckily I got the wine out before it was too late. After watching the video above I confirmed the carboy was not Italian. I am going through my carboys now and get rid of anything with imperfections, anything that is not Italian or from old...
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    Sorbate instead of bicarbonate :-(

    While multitasking on a Sunday I didn’t think through what I was doing. When I thought I need to a potassium bicarbonate to lower TA I added 13 g of potassium sorbate then added WLB 675 to a merlot. I added 13 g of potassium sorbate to a Montepulciano and now I realize I shouldn’t add MLB. I am...
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    DIY Fermentation Boxes - ideas…

    Thanks, I was considering a chest freezer but I don’t have enough room. Right now the pink foam is on my stainless steel table with aluminum tape on the corners. I am looking for something more permanent for that area. I think I may frame a box as mentioned earlier and use the pink foam. I may...
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    DIY Fermentation Boxes - ideas…

    I am looking for ideas to upgrade my current pink foam fermentation chamber. I use foam, ink bird controller and an old light bulb. Works good but I am looking for something more stable and long lasting. Let’s see photos of yours, what do you use for heat source.
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    Been there before great place, I will figure out some days when I am in the area and let you know.
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    Hi Fellow Michiganders… I am bumping this to the top, Fall wine season is here. Is anyone interested in still getting together? I would love to talk wine, sample some, get tips, share tips, etc. Please respond and let me know. Maybe we can put something together.
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    Low pH & Borderline TA should I MLF?

    Mario what did your wines end up at? I have a Cab Sauv and Chardonnay with PHs of 2.9 and 2.6 post AF. Pre AF they were 3.5 and 3.4…. Does make sense to me.
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    Chilean Zin Juice Bucket Plan

    No I tested all these myself last night. I do know the vendors so sulfite the must and balance the acidity but the TA levels and PH seem to be off from what’s recommended.
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    Chilean Juice measurements

    Hi All, I picked up three buckets of Chilean juice from my local place in Detroit, the brand is Estrella del sur. All have starting SG of 1.082 or 1.084. Every California bucket I have bought was over 1.09. Here are the stats, I am wondering if I need to adjust the TA and if I need to adjust...