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    I have seen a hack to fill up head space by using glass marbels. Haven’t tried this but seems they would be easy to sanitize and would...
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    AFW replied to the thread ABV & Back Sweetening.
    Rocky my bad yes Potassium Sorbate.
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    AFW replied to the thread ABV & Back Sweetening.
    My thought is once you add Potassium Sorbate to your wine the yeasts are dead then back sweeten by adding simple syrup won’t affect ABV...
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    AFW replied to the thread Raisins.
    Hope it is an award winner!
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    AFW replied to the thread Raisins.
    WOW, posted a long time ago. Curious what did you do? Did you use the skin packs? Did you add raisins? Just curious why no body...
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    AFW replied to the thread Hello from the Cincinnati Area.
    I stopped by Winemakers and Beermakers supply of Westport road today. Spoke with a lady there and asked a lot of questions. If you...
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    AFW replied to the thread Yeast Rehydration is good stuff.
    No additional nutrients added. I will add my experience so far is with Wine Expert and juice buckets. I am going to do whole grapes...
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    AFW replied to the thread Yeast Rehydration is good stuff.
    I just sprinkle the yeast on my must and leave it alone. Takes off slowly yes but by 3 rd day going vigorously. Haven’t had a stuck...
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    AFW replied to the thread Hello from the Cincinnati Area.
    Thanks for the Welcome! and thanks for your suggestions on obtaining wine grapes I will contact them and see how it goes. Cleveland...
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    My name is Alan and I have been making different kit wines since 2006. I am newly retired and am interested in making wine from grapes...