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    I put my arm in the wine to get my ladle, I need help ?

    so the arm does not even count :))
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    I put my arm in the wine to get my ladle, I need help ?

    Oh my god I would have freaked out :) glad nothing happened, so it basically is forgiving during the fermentation stage I guess
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    I put my arm in the wine to get my ladle, I need help ?

    Hi, I am almost at the end of my fermentation, today when I took a sample from my wine with a ladle, I accidentally drop it inside my wine, today my SG is 1.003 so because the back side of the ladle was plastic, I panicked and put my arm in the wine and got the ladle, it was very instant but...
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    Can Fermentation Smell get on other wines which are stored in SS tanks with floating lid

    we have a local wine enthusiast group and I asked this question because I also ferment sugar washes and beers in the same room that I store my wine, so a lot of people were against this idea but as you can imagine there is always this type of discussions in this type of groups, but what I am...
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    Can Fermentation Smell get on other wines which are stored in SS tanks with floating lid

    It is said that airlocks can only hold the gas but cannot hold against smell so if you have a wine aging in a big tank like 14 gallon it can leach smell they say but I am a littlle bit confused on this subject what do you guys think ?
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    My first 2023 Merlot Wine Racking

    I kept the wine in maceration with the skins for 9 days and also punch down 3 times a day, that really helped. How long did you kept your pinot in maceration ?
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    My first 2023 Merlot Wine Racking

    I think I have found it :)
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    My first 2023 Merlot Wine Racking

    You are right these tanks are very useful in managing oxygen, I wish there was variable capacity tanks at smaller volumes, but the smallest that I saw was 50 liters If there was a smaller variable capacity lid we would not...
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    My first 2023 Merlot Wine Racking

    Thanks a lot but as I said I divide the tank into 3 buckets each 23 liter I can manage but even the 23 liter becomes harder as you work with a lot of things and become tired. I now think that winemaking also helps losing weight :) at least in my case
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    My first 2023 Merlot Wine Racking

    Hello everyone, Yesterday, exactly 15 days after pressing, I completed my 1st racking. Unfortunately, I experienced some setbacks. Don't try to shake the hydrometer you cleaned from the thin side in order to dry it. Normally, I do the opposite, but this time, for some reason, that happened and...
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    How to work out the amount of wine between racking

    Thanks alot, So roughly for a Skeeter Pee and DB I will have a 30 liter bucket primary fermentor, a 19 liter carboy and lets assume that I am going to make more just to be on the safe side do I need to compensate the rest with wine bottles or do I also need 5 liter and some vessel which are...
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    How to work out the amount of wine between racking

    Thank you very much this is really helpful, I am planning to do the same as DB requires, Raspberry,Blueberry and blackberry, so whatever I do I will use the fruit and add 22 l water as you say it is better to have more then do you seal wine bottles that are used as a vessel ?
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    How to work out the amount of wine between racking

    I understand but after doing many times you probably know which vessels between rackings, I am mainly asking for DB and Skeeter Pee if you opt for 19 liter carboy what would be the starting liter 23 liter in the primary does this give 19 liters lets say after 2-3 rankings ?