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  1. B

    Found some really cool looking tartrate(?) crystals in my wine

    Well evidently there is. On my other batches I also have much more typical tartrate crystals that sort of stain on the glass and cork, and I have no doubts that those are tartrates. These are also a different species of blackberries that you would usually find in they store, they're Himalayan...
  2. B

    Found some really cool looking tartrate(?) crystals in my wine

    These pics were taken with a high intensity flashlight pointed at the wine, because it's very dark and tannic. Got some huge clusters of crystals. I assume they're tartrates. This is a bottle of my 2023 blackberry wine. I chill my wine after opening the bottle to keep it fresher so I don't know...
  3. B

    Fortification calculation

    Math major here, I'm making some fortified wine and needed a calculation so I made one myself. Looked up this thread to add my input to it. Here it is: Where F is the ABV of the fortified wine, w is the ABV of the wine you want to fortify, V_w is the volume of wine, s is the ABV of the spirit...
  4. B

    Grocery store wine

    I'd like to make an update to the blueberry wine. The "blueberry cider" actually turned out really well. I really like it. I bottled them with some sugar so that the champagne yeast still active could carbonate, then chilled it, and it sure worked, it's fizzy and crisp and very nice, about 7%...
  5. B

    Grocery store wine

    huh... I've never heard of something like this ever referred to as something other than a fruit cider, that's just the vernacular I've lived with, anything that's fizzy and low ABV is a cider. But yeah I ended up making one gallon of cider and 4 gallons of wine, the gravity for the cider was...
  6. B

    Grocery store wine

    That doesn't sound like such a bad idea, why don't you try making prickly pear wine?
  7. B

    Grocery store wine

    You're right, the pure blueberry juice is only ~1.050 gravity. Though it's so so thick, I wonder what all that viscosity is if not for sugar? Pectin? ...why not bluebery cider though? I think might be able to get a nice ~6% ABV batch of that with some EC-1118 yeast I have on hand
  8. B

    Grocery store wine

    so i got 40 lb of blueberries which is apparently too much for just 5 gallons. i was thinking in terms of grapes. oops. I'm using around 27 lbs of them for this ~6 gallon batch, i'll try to get as much juice as possible, not add any additional sugar, and maybe my wine will be more blueberry than...
  9. B

    Grocery store wine

    Yeah I only ever see mangos in grocery stores during the summer months, couldn't find any today. I've decided on blueberry wine right now because the store ran out of raspberries. Late summer I might try mangoes too.
  10. B

    Grocery store wine

    wine from GRAPES??
  11. B

    Grocery store wine

    Money is of no object for this project, honestly the more expensive it is the better. Your reminder that raspberries are expensive may make me consider them more than blueberries now. Does red raspberry really make a good wine though? I struggle to imagine how it would taste. My intuition with...
  12. B

    Grocery store wine

    Enlightening! Do you have anything to say on if fresh blueberries vs frozen blueberries makes a difference? Would frozen blueberries mash better? And what yeast do you typically use?
  13. B

    Grocery store wine

    Can't be juices, needs to be fruit. What makes blueberry wine so easy?
  14. B

    Grocery store wine

    I want to make a wine with fruits that I can buy in a grocery store. Due to some unique circumstances, I've come across a sum of money that must be spent on fruits, and this is how I want to use it. Which fruit is the easiest to make wine from? Which is the most rewarding? Seems to me like...
  15. B

    Mixed grape wine?

    I'd like to make an update on this post. It'd been a while. The final gravity was 1.030, (Original was 1.132), so about 15% as planned. The color is very pleasant, sort of a strawberry red. Very full body, very very sweet, has more sugar per volume than a can of coke. A bit tangy too. Honestly...