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  1. C

    Rhubarb wine hydrometer question - reading at .986

    Ah thanks all! OK - I'll just age it and run a few more tests after a little while, then decide what to do in a few months! Appreciate your time and care in explaining the basics! Weirdly the first batch of wine I made (lilac wine) is showing the exact same reading! I guess its just a waiting...
  2. C

    Rhubarb wine hydrometer question - reading at .986

    Thanks Toadie - I checked the hydrometer and it was bang on 1.00 so its not faulty. I tasted it and it didnt necessarily taste like rhubarb (not sure what you mean by tasting hot I'm afraid!). I'm wondering if I should stop fermentation (surely this will only decrease the reading?) and add some...
  3. C

    Rhubarb wine hydrometer question - reading at .986

    Hi all - new to fermentation and trying some back garden wines to 0 success so far! So I'm making a rhubarb wine, following this recipe: How to make rhubarb wine I've had it in a demijohn clearing away for a month, and I came to rack it into a sterilised demijohn as per the instructions, and I...
  4. C

    HELP! First time apple wine not fermenting AT ALL

    Still in the primary with the lid on - everything I have read says to wait until it reaches 0.990-1.000 then decant into demijohns with airlocks - or should I do this before? Sorry for being such a needy information leech!
  5. C

    HELP! First time apple wine not fermenting AT ALL

    So I took a hydrometer reading (once I found a vessel tall enough for that damn thing - seriously!) at it is currently at 1.003. I think this means something is happening. I am going to stick with it til it hits 0.990-1.000 (Or I understand, takes the same reading for 3 days) and just pop it...
  6. C

    HELP! First time apple wine not fermenting AT ALL

    Well the saga continues! I thought about your temperature comment, so ordered an aquarium heater to heat the mix, at the same time I removed all of the apple parts and topped up the mix with apple juice to 5 gallons because of a previous comment about the amont of water in the mix. This was...
  7. C

    HELP! First time apple wine not fermenting AT ALL

    JSWordy - thanks for your considered reply. There are certainly no preservatives or pesticides in the mix, I thoroughly washed all of the fruit, and disinfected the bucket. The only ingredients are just apples, lemons, tea, yeast, sugar, sultanas etc. liosted in the recipe with a second batch of...
  8. C

    HELP! First time apple wine not fermenting AT ALL

    Welp - made the starter, and put 1/2 cup in in yesterday morning, and another today. It was fizzing etc in the bowl I made it in (but not going crazy) but once added to the bucket it isn't fizzing or fermenting or anything. I put 1 tsp nutrient (5 needed overall) in with the starter, and a...
  9. C

    HELP! First time apple wine not fermenting AT ALL

    Thanks Arne, will it make a difference that I already have yeast in the mix? I don't want it to be ruined (although I can't see it being any other way at this point!). But your advice is to approach this as if the first load of yeast was never added, and simply take more care to make sure the...
  10. C

    HELP! First time apple wine not fermenting AT ALL

    So possibly I should have read up more before starting (but I had a lot of apples to get done with!) but the recipes I have found had no temperature requirements, nor dark. The recipe I used didn't have yeast nutrient in it, and since googling the problem I'm starting to think the absence of...
  11. C

    HELP! First time apple wine not fermenting AT ALL

    So I mixed up a batch of apple wine last week and despite having followed the instructions to the letter no brewing has happened at all (there are some bubbles - large occasionally floating to the top when the mix is agitated) but no fermenting! Recipe from onlines...