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  1. C

    Other Wine making from Juice.

    If VA stands for Virginia, would you mind telling me who your supplier is? Thanks in advance.
  2. C

    Mead vs Cyser

    In addition to grape wine, I also make quick & dirty meads. I've used raw and pasteurized honey; the raw honey seems to have more flavor. My go-to book for all things brewed is "HOOCH" by Scott Meyer. I used his Show Mead recipe for my first mead, and then modified it slightly for other meads...
  3. C

    Spotted Lanternfly 2024

    Thanks for the links. This will help.
  4. C

    Spotted Lanternfly 2024

    SLF have been my bane this year. Last year, I saw maybe three; this year, I can't pass a single vine without seeing at least that many. I now carry a fly swatter as part off my tool kit for vineyard maintenance. I have long since stopped counting the number I kill per day. So far, no obvious...
  5. C

    What's in your glass tonight?

    I picked yesterday. The SG was 1.096
  6. C

    What's in your glass tonight?

    Thanks for the yeast tip. My Marchal Foch Will be ready to harvest within the week.
  7. C

    How much wine do you make? (2024)

    Not to be picky, but are your numbers correct?
  8. C

    K-meta good enough for residual sugar?

    Thanks for the info; it's much appreciated. RE- Cold Stabilizing: I have an old RV Fridge that can get down to the mid to high 30⁰ F. It will hold up to two 3 gallon carboys plus a gallon jug. Most of my batches are from things I grew or acquired locally (grapes, peaches, honey, berries, etc.)...
  9. C

    K-meta good enough for residual sugar?

    This thread has been highly educational! I have been making various meads for the past several years, but never considered using sorbate. Most of the time I use D47, and cold stabilize after 1st rack with little or no problem; once I used E-1118 for a Honey wine, and had to cold stabilize...
  10. C

    Metheglin mead ferment

    I have never made Metheglin, but I've made a fair amount of Cyser, Show mead, and Honey wine. I'm with Raptor99 on this: 6 tsp of Acid Blend is way too much for a 3 gal blend. It's 3 times as much as I use, if I even use it at all. I also agree with those that recommended fortifying the yeast...
  11. C

    Hello from Kentucky

    Welcome to WMT! I'm very interested in your pink grapes. I am a bit north of you in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia (6b). When I retired a some years ago, I took to growing wine grapes. A friend advised me to plant something that might attract birds away from my vines. I planted a Concord...
  12. C

    Virginia wineries

    I'm surprised no one mentioned Glasshouse Winery, with their own unique, award winning wines. Or Septenary Winery, also known for their award-winning wines. But if you really want to locate fine wines, you need to cross the Blue Ridge into the Shenandoah Valley. That's where you'll find the...
  13. C

    New Home Vineyard

    Like Vinodom, I have a small vineyard in 6b in the Valley. I have 50+ vines. My only regret was jumping into the grafted vines after excitement of my first batch of rooted Chambourcin. I lost most of my Cab Franc and Petit Verdot, and all of my Viognier. However, except for those, my first vines...
  14. C

    Wine does not last long once opened

    Spell check: Tannin