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    ChuckD reacted to winemaker81's post in the thread What R you doing today? with Haha Haha.
    Although this is a meme and it may properly belong to the Memes thread ... it illustrates the conversation. 🤣
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    ChuckD reacted to Hazelemere's post in the thread What's in your glass tonight? with Like Like.
    Marechal Foch 2024 This is tasted from a carboy into a glass and sweetened in the glass with corn sugar (dextrose) to SG 1.002. It is...
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    ChuckD reacted to Rice_Guy's post in the thread Bitter after taste with Like Like.
    There is a sequence which happens. The base monomer is flavorless (Gallic acid/ ellagic acid ), this starts to polymerize creating...
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    ChuckD reacted to winemaker81's post in the thread Bitter after taste with Like Like.
    Winemaking is biology, chemistry, and physics. You do not need a PhD in any to make wine, but after a few decades you might feel you...
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    ChuckD reacted to winemaker81's post in the thread Tart Cherry Wine Spec Question with Like Like.
    10% is considered the threshold for wine to be long term stable. Sorbate prevents a renewed fermentation is sugar is added, but is not...
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    ChuckD reacted to back2it's post in the thread After fermentation, wills seeds grow? with Like Like.
    I don't think it's a waste of time, it's good research, AND........... you can emulate winemaker81 by saying "I have a research paper on...
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    ChuckD reacted to Hazelemere's post in the thread Bitter after taste with Like Like.
    take one egg white, mix it with a tiny bit of water and a tiny bit of salt and whisk it until it has one consistency i.e. not 2 layers...
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    ChuckD reacted to wineview's post in the thread Super Transfer Pump with Like Like.
    These are all good points but do you understand what I was trying to describe. Use wine to push out the sanitizing solution into a waste...
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    ChuckD replied to the thread Super Transfer Pump.
    I just don’t like the idea of sanitizer in my wine so I sanitize all tubing then run a little distilled water through them to clear it...
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    ChuckD reacted to winemaker81's post in the thread Super Transfer Pump with Like Like.
    I agree with @BarrelMonkey, the concern is pumping too much of any sanitizer into the wine. You're not going to use the pump until the...
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    ChuckD reacted to jswordy's post in the thread Post a photo, any photo with Sad Sad.
    20 years ago, November and December were the mud months here. Almost all it did was rained in those months. That has gradually been...
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    ChuckD replied to the thread Hello!.
    Welcome Joe. You have come to the right place. Post your recipe (more accurately a process) first and folks will gladly offer advice.
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    ChuckD replied to the thread Is anyone growing Sabrevois ?.
    Yeah that stuff is liquid. Better to get some manure pack with straw bedding from the neighbors heifer barn. At least that stuff can...
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    ChuckD reacted to sour_grapes's post in the thread Is anyone growing Sabrevois ? with Like Like.
    Yes, as Chuck and Dave know, we say "Come smell our dairy-air!"
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    ChuckD replied to the thread Is anyone growing Sabrevois ?.
    I suppose if I top dress then cover with mulch the worms will eventually bring it down the roots. I’m going to have to fence the...