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  1. D

    Grapes for sale in south central PA

    Sorry that I didn't see this post until today. I understand from your previous post that you are located in York PA. We are just north of Hancock, MD. Probably a bit far to drive for 60# of grapes and shipping is cost prohibitive. BUT, I still have Steuben (red or rose) if you are interested...
  2. D

    Harvest 2024

    This was a field blend for a friend to taste everything. Our Arandell and Aromella are doing very well. They are 8 years old. Arandell is so very dark and makes a very interesting wine. I have a couple of friends who buy the grapes to make wine.
  3. D

    Harvest 2024

    We are harvesting Noiret, Melody, Concord, Cayuga White, Aromella, Niagara, Arandell, and Steuben. Marquette harvest is complete and Vidal Blanc should be ready in 2 weeks. Crazy BUSY!
  4. D

    Grapes for sale in south central PA

    We have a 7-acre vineyard south of McConnellsburg, PA and cater to small wineries and home winemakers. Our varieties include Aromella, Arandell, Noiret, Marquette, Vidal Blanc, Cayuga White, Stueben, Niagara and Melody. It is harvest time for most all of them. Contact me with any interest.
  5. D

    Hello from Pennsylvania

    We have a vineyard near McConnelllsburg, PA. Noiret, Steuben, Melody, Niagara, Arandell, Marquette, Cayuga White, Aromella, Concord and Vidal Blanc. Grapes look good this year. We do cater to home winemakers. Contact me if you are in need of any of the varieties listed.
  6. D

    Hello from Pennsylvania

    Grapes look good this year. We do cater to home winemakers. Contact me if you are in need of any of the varieties listed.
  7. D

    Hello from Pennsylvania

    If you are ever in need of hybrid wine grapes let me know. We have a vineyard near McConnelllsburg, PA. Noiret, Steuben, Melody, Niagara, Arandell, Marquette, Cayuga White and Vidal. At the moment we still have Noiret and Vidal available.
  8. D

    Grape grower

    Birds around here love marquette - it is the one variety we need to net.
  9. D

    Grape grower

    What and how many are you growing? Best of luck to you.
  10. D

    Grape grower

    Thank you. Glad to have found this group. Looking forward to networking and learning! We grow 10 varieties. Marquette, noiret, arandell, steuben, cayuga white, aromella, melody, concord, niagara, and vidal.
  11. D

    Hello, from PA.

    Hi, I have a vineyard located in south central PA (south of McConnellsburg) and often take my grapes to Buffalo Valley Produce Auction in Mifflinburg, PA which is not far from you. I do not grow a cabernet sauvignon, but have noiret, arandell, or marquette that may be of some interest to you.
  12. D

    Grape grower

    Hi, I'm new to the forum. I have a 7 acre vineyard and grow many types of hybrid wine grapes. Looking for customers in the south central PA area. I am new to wine making and am wondering what is the best source for recipes. I prefer dry wines. Thanks!! Looking forward to learning from y'all.
  13. D

    What R you doing today?

    Harvesting Concord today. Ripened early this year in south central PA. Thinking I'd like to back sweeten 2018 Concord before bottling. Can I use this year's juice? New to this - love some advice.