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  1. D

    Mystery Grape

    Honestly, I'm just a beginner. I have four non-tree grapes that are about four years old (Frontenac, 2 Valiant, and Marquette). I've mostly been making jellies as I'm not really into wine (under 21). But recently I've decided that if some's good, more's better, so I rooted about 20 more grapes...
  2. D

    Mystery Grape

    Thank you so much! I've never noticed any burning or anything when I've handled/transplanted it, so its not poison ivy. It looks exactly like a box elder seedling, so that's probably what it is. Of course my brother would be the one person who couldn't find grape sticks in a field full of grape...
  3. D

    Mystery Grape

    Hello, I am having trouble identifying a grape plant. Last winter my brother went as part of a college group to a commercial vineyard in Minnesota to help improve operations. At my request, he brought back some pruned branches on the ground beneath the vines. I was able to get one to root, but...