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  • DrGriz
    DrGriz reacted to winemaker81's post in the thread One Step in Wine with Like Like.
    I expand my statement -- I expect any strong liquor will work. Many moons ago I had a bright idea -- I poured about 1" of K-meta...
  • DrGriz
    DrGriz reacted to bstnh1's post in the thread One Step in Wine with Like Like.
    I've had an issue with K-meta growing funky stuff in airlock, but never with vodka.
  • DrGriz
    DrGriz reacted to winemaker81's post in the thread One Step in Wine with Like Like.
    I add K-meta every 3 months during bulk aging, and since I'm pulling the stopper anyway, it's a good time to swap in a fresh stopper and...
  • DrGriz
    DrGriz reacted to winemaker81's post in the thread One Step in Wine with Like Like.
    EverClear is exempt, but pretty much everything else will eventually grow something, including K-meta solution. I swap airlocks...
  • DrGriz
    DrGriz reacted to Ohio Bob's post in the thread Top up with fizzy wine with Like Like.
    For a port, stabilization can be as simple as adding spirits to get the ABV up to 20%. You can still add sugar without worrying about...
  • DrGriz
    DrGriz replied to the thread One Step in Wine.
    I have found that vodka (and, presumably Everclear) evaporates more quickly than sanitizer in water. It's only a problem if you keep...
  • DrGriz
    DrGriz reacted to Rice_Guy's post in the thread One Step in Wine with Like Like.
    welcome to WMT I am a K meta sanitizer user. We all put meta in the wine so it wouldn’t matter. For those that get nice vacations...
  • DrGriz
    DrGriz reacted to Ohio Bob's post in the thread One Step in Wine with Like Like.
    Worked for a few months maybe, but things can grow in water. Kmeta is highly recommended if you use water, replenish frequently by...
  • DrGriz
    DrGriz reacted to hounddawg's post in the thread Getting there,,, with Like Like.
    been forever for me. foots healed up. now taking the time to let the skin toughing up. shouldn't be all that long to sanitize complete...
  • DrGriz
    DrGriz replied to the thread Can K-meta powder go bad?.
  • DrGriz
    DrGriz reacted to winemaker81's post in the thread Can K-meta powder go bad? with Like Like.
    If you shake off the excess, we're talking a few drops of Star San in gallons of wine. It's not enough to have any effect on the...
  • DrGriz
    DrGriz reacted to wineview's post in the thread Can K-meta powder go bad? with Like Like.
    I never even considered it. Spray it, leave it for one minute and shake off excess. Such a small amount shouldn’t be a problem.
  • DrGriz
    DrGriz replied to the thread Can K-meta powder go bad?.
    I worry a little about the very low pH of Star San affecting my pH determinations. Do you think that could be a problem?
  • DrGriz
    DrGriz reacted to wineview's post in the thread Can K-meta powder go bad? with Like Like.
    San Star or kmeta solution no rinsing. Never a problem.
  • DrGriz
    DrGriz reacted to Rice_Guy's post in the thread K-meta good enough for residual sugar? with Like Like.
    You are doing a mead. This means that there are non-fermentable sugars and dextrins in the mixture. You should not use 0.990 as the...