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  • DrGriz
    DrGriz reacted to winemaker81's post in the thread Newbie with Like Like.
    I'd leave the fruit in -- fermentation will extract more flavoring from it, and it will soften the pulp and you'll often get a better yield.
  • DrGriz
    DrGriz reacted to winemaker81's post in the thread Newbie with Like Like.
    YouTube is one of the best sites on the net, as there is a wealth of useful information there. It's also the most dangerous site on the...
  • DrGriz
    DrGriz reacted to BPL's post in the thread Black currant frutta stopped with Like Like.
    Right! Not all yeasts are the same and neither are "nutrients". For the benefit of JPB and others reading this thread, one of the...
  • DrGriz
    DrGriz reacted to winemaker81's post in the thread Black currant frutta stopped with Like Like.
    Many sources equate SG and sugar, which is definitely isn't. Your description is excellent. When I've mentioned that FG is a factor of...
  • DrGriz
    DrGriz reacted to winemanden's post in the thread Harvest with Wow Wow.
    08.08.2024 Napa Valley grape harvest six weeks earlier than 2023 06.08.2024 Austria: Earliest harvest start in almost five...
  • DrGriz
    DrGriz reacted to BigDaveK's post in the thread Blackberry juice only? with Like Like.
    I don't. Something very important to keep in mind, pears do not ripen on the tree. (They are "climacteric" if you're interested in the...
  • DrGriz
    DrGriz reacted to BPL's post in the thread Black currant frutta stopped with Like Like.
    In general, with that much time since starting the kit, most likely there is not much that can be done. A few thoughts that might help...
  • DrGriz
    DrGriz replied to the thread Black currant frutta stopped.
    I will let others with more experience chime in, but I think that is too acidic for some (many?) yeast. Maybe adjust pH up?
  • DrGriz
    DrGriz reacted to winemaker81's post in the thread Black currant frutta stopped with Like Like.
    What was the OG and what yeast did you use? Depending on the answers to those questions, I'd be tempted to make an overnight starter...
  • DrGriz
    DrGriz reacted to winechef's post in the thread How much wine do you make? (2024) with Like Like.
    I had 2k liters of not good wine that I sent to a factory to distil into Brandy. this is my first year to sell 2023 wimes...
  • DrGriz
    DrGriz reacted to Obbnw's post in the thread How much wine do you make? (2024) with Like Like.
    Make more than you can drink is easier said than done! I only work with the grapes I grow and last year was a bad year so my wine...
  • DrGriz
    DrGriz reacted to winemaker81's post in the thread How much wine do you make? (2024) with Like Like.
    Oddly enough, the 2022 and 2023 polls have been getting traction. I abused my moderator position to update the title of the 2022 post to...
  • DrGriz
    DrGriz reacted to Raptor99's post in the thread Stubborn pear wine won't clear with Like Like.
    Pear wine is often difficult to clear, and I think that it is mainly due to pectins. I don't use clearing agents, but I do bulk age my...
  • DrGriz
    DrGriz reacted to winemaker81's post in the thread Stubborn pear wine won't clear with Like Like.
    If bentonite and K&C didn't do the job, there's something else going on. I agree with Craig, add more pectic enzyme, a double or triple...
  • DrGriz
    DrGriz reacted to cmason1957's post in the thread Stubborn pear wine won't clear with Like Like.
    I made a peaf wine one time that took two triple doses of pectic enzyme after fermentation to clear. Like you we had added pectic enzyme...