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  • DrGriz
    DrGriz reacted to Ohio Bob's post in the thread Does size matter? with Like Like.
    I bottled my 2023 Blackberry port today. Used some Grolsch-style bottles for some of it. Thanks again @DrGriz!
  • DrGriz
    Hi, I'm Ann and I have been a member since 2022 (short of a break because I lost the land I was supposed to have and had to start all...
  • DrGriz
    DrGriz reacted to ChuckD's post in the thread Newbie with Like Like.
    I do add k-meta when I rack. Many add k-meta every three months. Some rack on that schedule as well. However, If a wine is off the...
  • DrGriz
    DrGriz reacted to Ohio Bob's post in the thread Newbie with Like Like.
    I haven’t used tablets in over 30 years, but once ground up, 1/4 tsp per a 5g carboy is the dosage. If you’re racking at 3 month...
  • DrGriz
    DrGriz reacted to wineview's post in the thread Cleaning glass carboys with Like Like.
    I’m reading all this stuff about deep cleaning. Do you use the 90* carboy brush? When I first started brewing beer I did. Then I...
  • DrGriz
    DrGriz reacted to Ohio Bob's post in the thread Does size matter? with Like Like.
    I forgot I have a couple cases of those, called Grolsch-style bottles. Mine are 500ml, a perfect intermediate between 750 and 375...
  • DrGriz
    DrGriz reacted to Rice_Guy's post in the thread Bottling - to purge, or not to purge… with Like Like.
    * For where you are now, if you have had a week go by the oxygen in the ullage has reacted with chemicals in the wine and the batch is...
  • DrGriz
    DrGriz replied to the thread Does size matter?.
    In the same vein as Bryan, swing-top bottles work as well. I have a variety of sizes of those for sparkling wine/cider and put a drilled...
  • DrGriz
    DrGriz reacted to winemaker81's post in the thread Does size matter? with Like Like.
    I agree with Bob -- excess headspace is a problem over time. Know the sizes of your carboys and as much as possible, plan your batch...
  • DrGriz
    DrGriz reacted to Ohio Bob's post in the thread Does size matter? with Like Like.
    One should always strive to keep the air space under the airlock to a minimum. This is to prevent oxygen in the headspace from oxidizing...
  • DrGriz
    DrGriz reacted to hounddawg's post in the thread Topped off carboy with commercial wine with Like Like.
    years ago i bought a ton of clear glass marbles', but have never used them, i keep many gallon, half gallon, quart and pint jars, i make...
  • DrGriz
    DrGriz reacted to winemaker81's post in the thread Yeasts. Pick one. with Like Like.
    When yeast is lacking in nutrients, most strains will struggle and produce H2S as a result. The situation I'm talking about is where...
  • DrGriz
    DrGriz reacted to hounddawg's post in the thread Yeasts. Pick one. with Like Like.
    ok. i have no palat for traditional wine, and have never made a grape wine, I know yawl with palates , do discern different notes and...
  • DrGriz
    DrGriz reacted to winemaker81's post in the thread Yeasts. Pick one. with Like Like.
    I've heard that opinion as well. I suspect that EC-1118 does neither; rather, that it brings nothing special to the table other than...
  • DrGriz
    DrGriz reacted to winemanden's post in the thread Elderberry wine with Like Like.
    I've been making Elderberry, sweet and dry, since 1960. Fermented on the pulp 5 days max, and I'm still here. Maybe it's the tannins in...