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  • DrGriz
    DrGriz reacted to Rice_Guy's post in the thread Pressing Blueberries Today with Like Like.
    To get a good reading it should be floating freely. There is no rule that one has to fill the cylinder. ex I have one I cracked and...
  • DrGriz
    DrGriz replied to the thread Pressing Blueberries Today.
    I would just not let it stick to the side. 👍
  • DrGriz
    DrGriz reacted to Rojoguio's post in the thread Pressing Blueberries Today with Like Like.
    Yes, I thought there was a problem but I pushed it down with my finger to see if it was on the bottom but the cylinder is quite tall...
  • DrGriz
    DrGriz replied to the thread Pressing Blueberries Today.
    It looks to me that your test cylinder is underfilled and your hygrometer is maybe sitting on the bottom and therefore leaning on the...
  • DrGriz
    DrGriz reacted to Hazelemere's post in the thread Plum Wine Recipe (for critique) with Wow Wow.
    I dropped and smashed a 25 bottle carboy of really tasty California Pinot Noir on my driveway years ago. Merde happens.
  • DrGriz
    DrGriz reacted to BPL's post in the thread Heat Belt Accessory with Like Like.
    IMO, one of the biggest issues with fermentations is controlling both the exothermic release of heat and applying external heat...
  • DrGriz
    DrGriz reacted to winemaker81's post in the thread Heat Belt Accessory with Like Like.
    Another tactic that helps is an overnight yeast starter, which enables the yeast to grow a larger initial colony in an environment that...
  • DrGriz
    DrGriz reacted to BernardSmith's post in the thread Heat Belt Accessory with Like Like.
    Gotta say, I was concerned about the temperature in my basement at this time of year - it's about 62 F and I was about to pitch RC 212...
  • DrGriz
    DrGriz reacted to winemaker81's post in the thread Heat Belt Accessory with Like Like.
    You provided a very nice short answer that makes sense. IMO the best summary regarding the application of heat to fermentation: use...
  • DrGriz
    DrGriz reacted to BPL's post in the thread Heat Belt Accessory with Like Like.
    From the technical stand point and a few brief notes: * The bend of the wire will not cause heat to increase. * Something called OHM's...
  • DrGriz
    DrGriz reacted to Rice_Guy's post in the thread Exploding Pineapple with Like Like.
    Good answers above, pulp generally means foam. Another property is how stable is the foam? There is some variation in polar (charged...
  • DrGriz
    DrGriz reacted to Raptor99's post in the thread Exploding Pineapple with Like Like.
    You should stir it several times a day to release the CO2 that is lifting the fruit cap. There is no danger in stirring it several times...
  • DrGriz
    DrGriz reacted to winemaker81's post in the thread Exploding Pineapple with Like Like.
    I follow the package directions on the nutrient, adding 2/3 of the amount at inoculation time and the remaining 1/3 at either 1/3...
  • DrGriz
    DrGriz reacted to Ohio Bob's post in the thread Exploding Pineapple with Like Like.
    I would add to keep monitoring the SG every time you stir. With a quick start you may blow right past the 1/3 sugar depletion mark.
  • DrGriz
    DrGriz reacted to winemaker81's post in the thread Exploding Pineapple with Like Like.
    Bob's advice is spot on. Cleaning does the majority of sanitation effort, so your wine will be fine. The overflow is likely related to...