Recent content by Gaël_MyViny

Winemaking Talk - Winemaking Forum

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  1. G Make your own wine remotely.

    Hi @Snafflebit. No worries, it's good to be cautious and do your due diligence. The platform is open to everyone, from beginner to expert. We appreciate having knowledgeable people like, I guess, a lot of users of this forum. In fact, we already have quite experienced co-winemakers. Some follow...
  2. G Make your own wine remotely.

    Hello everyone, Nice to see MyViny discussed here! This is not a scam. I understand your cautiousness though 👍 It's not a novel idea either. I know about two or three vineyards in France doing something more or less similar. But it's definitely not widespread. winemaker81, thanks for the...
  3. G

    Hello WMT community 👋

    Hello WMT community, My name is Gaël (pronounced a bit like Gail but not exactly). I discovered WMT through a discussion posted yesterday here about MyViny (for whom I work). I registered mainly to answer questions about MyViny but I'll make sure to browse around as well. Looks like you...