I forgot to mention I have another 1gallon jug of it too. I had tested a different clarifying method on it. So all together I should have a total of 22 to 23 bottles from my recipe that I made for $10 total lol not a bad outcome!
Omg this Banana Wine is awesome!
So I transferred into another carboy once the yeast seemed to have died down. Filtered using a fine mesh bag to catch anything that hadn't broken down. Very little in the filter.
Set it aside for a week to make sure yeast was done. Stabilized and...
I'm finally marking off Banana Wine off of my bucket list! I always wanted to try it but have always been daunted by it since it is a long process. Longer then any other wine I've made.
However, Walmart had bagged up bananas that were starting to be too ripe to sell but perfect for wine...
I made my first half batch of Dragons Blood using 4lbs of Berry Field Blend (strawberry/raspberry/blueberry/blackberry). I left the fruit floating free in the bucket using a large brew bag to line the bucket so that I could lift and squeeze and remove daily for the daily testing.
It was...
I think the cloudy that stayed was because I didn't use enough pectic enzyme. It was an old fashioned recipe I found that didn't call for additives so I had to guess on how much to use. Next time I'll likely go double what I used to see if that helps. I cleared the other gallon of the wine...
Just finished a small batch of WildBerry. Was a test using store bought juice and the knowledge I've gained so far. Came out at 9%, still a little hazy in the bottle likely because I probably should have used more pectic enzyme then I put in. Silly me thinking store bought juice would clear...
So I decided to try a strawberry wine after posting my comment earlier in the thread. I did a 2kg bag of frozen strawberries and 3kg of sugar. Put that plus pectic enzyme in a covered bucket. I let it sit, stirring once a day for 2 days. The fruit thawing plus the sugar pulled out lots of...
I'm by no means an expert. Still learning with every batch. I have never used a kit. Started wine making in an attempt to find a wine I liked. Favorite so far is Pineapple. Currently making small batch Strawberry, large batch Strawberry/Watermelon, and small batch Wildberry. Looking...
I didn't see that though I did read you need a higher then 14% for most fruit wines. So I always use EC-1118. I haven't had any issue with spoilage so far. My last bottle opened was Pineapple from 2018 and it was delicious.
I grew up making Dandelion Wine with my mom. Didn't know what we were making at first lol. Mom used to pay me and my sister 2 dollars a shopping bag. She made big batches. Two fermentation buckets at a time worth. She used to let it settle in big glass jugs she had, never used carboys as it...
I made Pineapple wine as my first attempt. I learned a lot from that first batch lol. Mine turned out very light as well and dry. It also was 18% because I didn't know how to stop fermentation lol I will also agree that aging will help. We opened the last bottle of the batch just last week...
I saw a recipe that is made in mason jars using barely any water and wild yeast.
For my Strawberry Watermelon Wine that I have on the go now, I didn't add any water. The sweetness is on the high side so I don't expect to have to back...
I don't make alot yet but I give away probably close to 60% of what I make. My Pineapple wine was the most popular so far. I've already got friends waiting to try my latest experiment, Strawberry Watermelon. It smells amazing!