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  1. HillPeople

    Honeyberry wine

    We've made a lot of Honeyberry (Honey I'm Home) and Blueberry/Honeyberry blend (Blue Lagoon) and they turned out excellent. The problem with Honeyberries is that they ripen so early we get caught off guard. The birds and chipmunks are totally tuned in however.
  2. HillPeople

    Stubborn pear wine won't clear

    I'd give Sparkolloid a shot.
  3. HillPeople

    I'm Back ... To Say Goodbye

    Similar situation. I have 6- 30 gallon Flextanks that I will no longer need and I'd love to pass them along for cheap. I'm in central NH. 603-986-9769
  4. HillPeople

    Fizzy Wine

    Rack into a carboy with recommended sorbate dose and K-meta, no headspace, and let it sleep in the dark at <60 degrees for 6 months to a year. Then rebottle. Time is wine's best friend.
  5. HillPeople

    Unorthodox Blueberry Wine Recipe and Procedure- Thoughts?

    This is good advice. I make 20-30 gallons of blueberry/honeyberry wine each year and follow accepted winemaking practices. ABV- 12.8%, bone dry. FT Rouge at start of fermentation as well as pectic enzyme. In a food grade Brute . Rack into carboys when it hits .996. Rack again in 2-3 months. OK...
  6. HillPeople

    What fruit makes a good ‘red’?

    Blueberry/Black Currant makes a good medium bodied red.
  7. HillPeople

    Roasted Tomato Wine? I Went For It!

    Roasting never entered my consciousness with tomato wine. We make around 20gal/yr only using end of season cherry tomatoes. Nothing else. It's a dry white most like cabernet sauvignon in grape speak.
  8. HillPeople

    Peach wine clearing

    Pectic enzyme at the beginning and Sparkolloid at the first racking. Works for me.
  9. HillPeople

    Probably killed the yeast

    I've never had any problems with the starter I make. Mix into 1/2 cup of 105 F water 1 1/2 times the amount of yeast you will be using of Go-Ferm. Stir in the yeast. Let it sit and cool down until there is a nice head of bubbles. Add some of your must a tablespoon at a time about 4 times in a...
  10. HillPeople

    First batches for 2022

    It's the body contortions you need to watch.
  11. HillPeople

    Hydrogen cars hit Australian market

    Don't go down too many rabbit holes. Inventions of merit will always make their way to the marketplace. The adoption of fossil fueled internal combustion engines met with stiff resistance initially. Until fossil fuels became easily transportable and cheap. That era is drawing to a close and...
  12. HillPeople

    Pear wine ideas - Please!

    I used to oak it, but now only add Opti-White at the beginning of ferment. It is in the top 3 of our most requested wines. Bone dry.
  13. HillPeople


    Let it do its thing. Things will grind to a halt in good time.
  14. HillPeople

    Red Tomato Wine

    Minimum 9 months.