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  1. JohnBurns

    Marbles to fill headspace isn't their only benefit.

    I've used marbles for all the reasons given here, all with good success. The video on carboys was eye opening. Thanks for sharing BPL. I do put my 5 gallon carboys in old plastic milk crates. They are heavy plastic and make moving the carboys safer. They also protect from the bottom...
  2. JohnBurns

    Gewurztraminer taste is weak

    Thanks for the feedback! I'll try adding some flavor and acid in a bench trial. The TA was 6.75 and pH 3.54. It took 2 weeks to ferment dry. The taste was lacking since first tasting. The juice is from 2019 but has been stored frozen by the supplier. I wonder if the age of the juice could...
  3. JohnBurns

    Gewurztraminer taste is weak

    I've made gewurztraminer several times from Juice and always been happy. This batch tastes watered down, very weak in the floral and citrus notes. I think maybe because I fermented too quickly and in the warmth of summer. I'm looking for help with ideas of how I can salvage this batch. It...
  4. JohnBurns

    stuck fermentation -help

    Thank you Bryan. I read this blog regularly and you always have very thoughtful help. I didn't think putting it in carboys a bit early would matter but it does make sense that the carboy restricts the amount of oxygen to the yeast and would slow things down. My wine is at 1.000 this morning...
  5. JohnBurns

    stuck fermentation -help

    Thanks everyone for your feedback. I'm now 19 days into this fermentation. For the last 4 days I have kept it warm, stirred it gently daily and the SG has dropped from 1.010 to 1.001 this evening. I've not had a red wine take so long to ferment. Your feedback leads me to believe I should...
  6. JohnBurns

    stuck fermentation -help

    Thanks for the feedback. I did check my hydrometer with distilled water. I also have used it on a dozen batches in the past and always got below 1.000 at finish.
  7. JohnBurns

    stuck fermentation -help

    Yes I pressed on day 10 when the SG was 1.022. Thanks for the feedback. Trying to be patient :)
  8. JohnBurns

    stuck fermentation -help

    Stirring and a warm room brought the SG down to 1.004-1.002 across the 7 carboys. They have been stuck there for 2 days. I'm thinking of a half or quarter dose of Fermaid K, or maybe yeast energizer or Fermaid O? Also, an option to add a little yeast Ec1118? Thoughts appreciated.
  9. JohnBurns

    stuck fermentation -help

    Thanks a gentile stir and warming the room will be my plan.
  10. JohnBurns

    stuck fermentation -help

    Thanks. I'll give each a general stir. Also, starting OG was 1.102. Fermentation was at 74F RT and the must heated up as high as 79F. I used 8 gr D254 yeast hydrated with Go Ferm and then mixed with 1 cup warm water and 2 cups of must. I did this a total of 3 times because I started with 50...
  11. JohnBurns

    stuck fermentation -help

    I've got seven 5 gallon carboys of a Bordeaux blend that seems to have stopped fermenting at 1.010. I pressed and racked the grapes at 1.022 on 10/10. On 10/13 they were at 1.014 and the last 2 days now at 1.010. I can taste the sweetness still. Should I add a little nutrient to each carboy...
  12. JohnBurns

    Racking to secondary

  13. JohnBurns

    Racking to secondary

    This is a very timely thread for me as I may be facing the same situation. A follow up question I have is can the wine sit in the secondary for 3 weeks safely with no kmeta after completing fermentation? My normal process would be into secondary until <1.000 sg (maybe a week after pressing)...
  14. JohnBurns

    Can I add fining agent again

    Thanks Craig and winemaker81. The SG started on 11/17 at 1.080 and ended at 0.992 on 11/27. I've made rhubarb wine the last 4 years without issue. I add pectic enzymes at start. I generally get very clear within a week of adding the SuperKleer. I think there could be some CO2 as I examine...
  15. JohnBurns

    Can I add fining agent again

    Greetings to this very helpful forum. I divided a pak of SuperKleer across several containers totaling six gallons. My cranberry rhubarb cleared nicely but one of the 750mL bottles of strawberry rhubarb and all three pineapple rhubarb containers have not after a month. This is my last step...