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  • K
    KISA replied to the thread Red wine fermenting stuck.
    Ok, just checked the current SG and got 1.040. Using the equation the ABV (alcohol by volume) = (OG - FG) * 131.25 ABV = (1.115 - 1.040)...
  • K
    KISA replied to the thread Red wine fermenting stuck.
    No worries, I just did a search for brix to sg and found a conversion website 👍 A 27 Brix converts to an SG of 1.1150. I'll get a...
  • K
    KISA replied to the thread Red wine fermenting stuck.
    Thanks, I give that a try. How do you compare the brix value against a hydrometer value?
  • K
    KISA replied to the thread Red wine fermenting stuck.
    Thanks for the reply. I do have a hydrometer, it there any benefit in pressing the grapes I have and checking it's specific gravity or...
  • K
    KISA replied to the thread Hello from Australia.
    Thanks 👍
  • K
    Hi, I appreciate this is probably a common question, but this may have a slightly different twist to the norm. I'm only new to wine...
  • K
    Hi All, I've been home brewing beer for a long time with a few significant breaks along the way. More recently I've been looking into...