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  • Kraffty
    Kraffty replied to the thread What R you doing today?.
    Heading home today from Vegas. My wife and a friend spent yesterday at a trade show which gave me a chance to visit my best friend...
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  • Kraffty
    Kraffty reacted to jswordy's post in the thread Post a photo, any photo with Like Like.
    Went on our wintertime jaunt to see the sandhill cranes at Wheeler Wildlife Refuge in Alabama today. Saw lots of them, plus one of 12...
  • Kraffty
    Kraffty replied to the thread What R you doing today?.
    Spent the day loading up and prepping the motorhome for a quick 3 day Vegas trip. Lori and one of her girlfriends wanted to go to a...
  • Kraffty
    Kraffty replied to the thread What's for Dinner?.
    Another Saturday night, Red Meat, potatoes and roasted cauliflower. Had to use the gas grill cause the wind was blowing enough to be...
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  • Kraffty
    Kraffty reacted to winemaker81's post in the thread What's for Dinner? with Love Love.
    This recipe has mostly 5 star reviews. Which makes me question the reviewers. I consider that tastes vary. I know one person who cooks...
  • Kraffty
    Kraffty reacted to ibglowin's post in the thread What's for Dinner? with Like Like.
    A dish from my childhood basically. King Ranch Casserole! :db Of course I kicked it up a notch or two........
  • Kraffty
    Kraffty reacted to vinny's post in the thread What R you doing today? with Wow Wow.
    Cheese update! I am still aging my Brie and Borgonzola. They are now wrapped and in the colder fridge to mature. My Shropshire Blue is...
  • Kraffty
    Kraffty reacted to ibglowin's post in the thread Post a photo, any photo with Like Like.
    So this popped up on my feed today. A long time ago in a galaxy far far away as they say!
  • Kraffty
    Kraffty replied to the thread The Bread Thread.
    Have you ever fiddled with a recipe so much that eventually you find yourself in the weeds lost and unhappy with what you're making. I...
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  • Kraffty
    Kraffty reacted to Sage's post in the thread The Bread Thread with Like Like.
    Not exactly bread, but, I'm having coffee and cinnamon rolls are being made right now 😋 👌 Frosting soon, still too hot
  • Kraffty
    Kraffty reacted to vinny's post in the thread What's for Dinner? with Like Like.
    Brisket and short ribs are a favorite of mine. I recently bought another brisket and added the trim to burgers. 80/20? No way. 70/30...
  • Kraffty
    Kraffty replied to the thread Post a photo, any photo.
    Beautiful job Jim. Absolutely worth the sweat and planning you put into it. Do you have a rough idea how much you saved vs. having it...
  • Kraffty
    Kraffty reacted to Rocky's post in the thread What R you doing today? with Like Like.
    Standing tall, Mike!
  • Kraffty
    Kraffty reacted to jswordy's post in the thread Post a photo, any photo with Like Like.
    And we always felt left out because Mom would bake gennie Italian pizzas from scratch while refusing to buy us this... What I wouldn't...
  • Kraffty
    Kraffty reacted to ibglowin's post in the thread Post a photo, any photo with Love Love.
    Chama, NM