I'm on a well. I have a water softener plus another system to treat for sulfur. Distilled water is relegated to the wife's CPAP machine and the final rinse of my labware. I've never had a problem with soft water when cooking, drinking or making wine. Distilled water has had vital minerals...
Once when I was fermenting wine in the fall of the year and the temperatures were falling I resorted to putting the carboy ( 3 gal size) into a Rough Neck storage container. Filled the tub with water and added an aquarium heater.
@bstnh1 : If you were in electronics back in the days of separate capacitors and resistors you would understand. It's an old man's thing. The colors represent a number, when strung together they represent the value of the resistor or capacitor.
Having experienced all your problems of drying bottles I scrounged around my junk box and found an old but workable aquarium air pump. Using a FastRack bottle rack I connect tubing from the air pump up into the inverted bottle mounted on the FastRack. Depending on atmospheric relative humidity...