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  1. mikewatkins727

    Hard of soft water?

    I'm on a well. I have a water softener plus another system to treat for sulfur. Distilled water is relegated to the wife's CPAP machine and the final rinse of my labware. I've never had a problem with soft water when cooking, drinking or making wine. Distilled water has had vital minerals...
  2. mikewatkins727

    Post a Meme, any Meme! (no politics)

    Another nail in the coffin for HOAs
  3. mikewatkins727

    Super Transfer Pump

    With Steve's All In One pump system there is no worry about sanitizing your pump!
  4. mikewatkins727

    Post a photo, any photo

    @jswordy: Is the range induction or electric?
  5. mikewatkins727

    Post a photo, any photo

    Brings back old memories
  6. mikewatkins727

    Post a Meme, any Meme! (no politics)

    Don't get between a sow and her piglets else you become the next meal.
  7. mikewatkins727

    Apple varieties for apple wine

    They lack tannin. Green apples like Gravenstein or Granny Smith have tannin and there others that escape my memory that make decent wine.
  8. mikewatkins727

    Apple varieties for apple wine

    Don't use any Red or Golden Delicious apples.
  9. mikewatkins727

    What vegetables can wine be made from

    I've made tomato, garlic & jalapeño wines. If you're interested PM me and I'll give you my tips.
  10. mikewatkins727

    Heat Belt Accessory

    Once when I was fermenting wine in the fall of the year and the temperatures were falling I resorted to putting the carboy ( 3 gal size) into a Rough Neck storage container. Filled the tub with water and added an aquarium heater.
  11. mikewatkins727


    @bstnh1 : If you were in electronics back in the days of separate capacitors and resistors you would understand. It's an old man's thing. The colors represent a number, when strung together they represent the value of the resistor or capacitor.
  12. mikewatkins727

    What is gassing off from my already double-dry wine?

    Barometric pressure changes - daily.
  13. mikewatkins727

    Bottle drying

    Having experienced all your problems of drying bottles I scrounged around my junk box and found an old but workable aquarium air pump. Using a FastRack bottle rack I connect tubing from the air pump up into the inverted bottle mounted on the FastRack. Depending on atmospheric relative humidity...
  14. mikewatkins727

    Is it just me??

    @wood1954 , Yup, pigs and bulls
  15. mikewatkins727


    @winemaker81 And here I thought tannin was just tannin.