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  • Musissa
    Very happy to find this forum website. I can already see that I will learn and share many things in this lovely wine making journey. I...
  • Musissa
    Musissa reacted to Jezroti's post in the thread Cold Soak before fermentation with Like Like.
    I have been doing a cold soak for the last few years. I have had no issues only better quality wine. I have been insulating the...
  • Musissa
    Musissa reacted to BRossi's post in the thread Harvest 2024 with Like Like.
    I am significantly behind everyone since I am further north in Upper Peninsula of Michigan, plus we had a cold rainy June which put...
  • Musissa
    Musissa reacted to Snafflebit's post in the thread Harvest 2024 with Like Like.
    50% Smaller harvest this year, bummer! One vineyard had lots of moldy clusters—the clusters looked okay-ish on the outside but loads of...
  • Musissa
    Musissa reacted to Dustyfj's post in the thread New Maryland Vineyard with Sad Sad.
    Deer whipped our butt this year. We will have to get a fence before next year. In the meantime, we took what was left. We forecasted...
  • Musissa
    Musissa reacted to VinesnBines's post in the thread New Maryland Vineyard with Like Like.
    You were lucky. When the cows get out near my vineyard, even with an electric fence, I’m on the phone to the farm manager. Cattle are...
  • Musissa
    Musissa reacted to Dustyfj's post in the thread New Maryland Vineyard with Sad Sad.
    Another sad day in the vineyard yesterday. The deer seem to be eating the clusters through the netting. I’m seeing lots of half eaten...
  • Musissa
    Musissa reacted to GSMChris's post in the thread Harvest 2024 with Like Like.
    Well, I’ll be picking our Syrah on Friday. Took a sample to our local lab - Brix 25.8, pH 3.28, TA .83. Assuming continued ripening the...
  • Musissa
    Musissa reacted to ChuckD's post in the thread Harvest 2024 with Like Like.
    I checked my Marquette today… tested six grapes and they ranged from 21.0 to 23.8 Brix. The average was 22.1.
  • Musissa
    Musissa reacted to Snafflebit's post in the thread Harvest 2024 with Love Love.
    Average Brix is creeping up we are 24-26 range and the berries have softened Sept 8 remains the pick date A couple of days in the...
  • Musissa
    Musissa reacted to winemaker81's post in the thread Beginner Plum Wine with Like Like.
    Some of my early mentors made wines "naturally". Grapes arrived by train from CA, were crushed and dumped into a barrel. Fermented and...
  • Musissa
    Musissa reacted to GreatNorthernLlama's post in the thread Beginner Plum Wine with Like Like.
    @winemaker81, regarding secondary storage, I've got maybe 30 bottles from a kit we used to make our wedding wine years ago...
  • Musissa
    Musissa reacted to ovjock's post in the thread Cold Soak before fermentation with Like Like.
    I’m not the sharpest pencil in the box so I need this dumbed down … a lot. These are the nuggets I got from this study. BTW, I am not...
  • Musissa
    Musissa reacted to Paulie vino's post in the thread Cold Soak before fermentation with Like Like.
    This video goes into good detail and is supported by scientific studies
  • Musissa
    Musissa reacted to Obbnw's post in the thread Harvest 2024 with Like Like.
    The squirrels moved into our neighborhood about 10-15 years ago (I've been here for 30 yrs). The squirrels outcompeted/drove out the...