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  1. Obelix

    My Rose doesn't taste like it should

    I may have it left in the bulk storage for too long.
  2. Obelix

    My Rose doesn't taste like it should

    Cheers Paulie. The BRIX was 21-22. Not overly high. Should it be less? I can tell the grower to tell me when the BRIX is of a particular level.
  3. Obelix

    My Rose doesn't taste like it should

    Just checked the ph. It shows around 4.5...way too high.
  4. Obelix

    My Rose doesn't taste like it should

    Thanks, tried that 2 years ago as I keep the Vat outside, and it was nearing 40C. (104F?). But then I had 280L of mass and the freezed bottles did nothing. Doing less wine now though. It may make a difference. Having said that, I may press it after 24 hours, and move it inside. So far...
  5. Obelix

    My Rose doesn't taste like it should

    Cheers Rice Guy, I think I could improve the current year ,whatever is in the beer keg with some sugar and some acid. Not sure which acid to get and how much to use. I have some Lacmus papers for the ph and also digital meter. Will use it. Not much else for testing
  6. Obelix

    My Rose doesn't taste like it should

    Thsnks guys. @winechef I have a limited control over the environment. Whatever is the temperature outside, that's it, and with the climate change, the grapes are harvested early. It will be late January, and hot (Australia). Having said that, the colour is not a big concern. At this heat, 24...
  7. Obelix

    My Rose doesn't taste like it should

    re:yeast Sorry, missed this. AW4 - Mangrove Jacks White wine/Rose yeast
  8. Obelix

    How long can I leave grape juice/wine after primary is complete ?

    yes, exactly. Depends on what you are aiming for. But if he's pressed for time, just do it now. It will be fine. The environment also makes a difference. I live in a hot climate, so 5 days is heaps. Anything over 6 days is too much here.
  9. Obelix

    My Rose doesn't taste like it should

    Thanks. I think the fermentation took a few weeks to fully complete. I guess I should have raked it once more. This could improve the taste , but the taste is not so bad, just not a "Rose" like. More like a Grenache with less tannin.
  10. Obelix

    How long can I leave grape juice/wine after primary is complete ?

    I may show my ignorance here, but in my experience it is not necessary for the fermentation to finish before you press the wine. If you press it, the fermentation should continue until it's fully finished (unless you stop it by freezing it or adding chemicals). I would think that 5-6 days on...
  11. Obelix

    My Rose doesn't taste like it should

    Hi winemakers. My Rose doesn't taste like it should. After making a reasonable large quantities of red for 4-5 years I found myself in trouble with the storage, so this year I decided to make less, and given I have a lot of red wine around I decided to make Rose. I thought it would be the...
  12. Obelix

    Bottle aging vs bulk aging

    I made heaps of Shiraz in 2018. For a few years I could taste the stems a bit. Aged in beer casks for 6-9-12 months . I left aside 15 bottles and started opening them last year. Man , has it improved in every sense. Even a few I haven't put any sulfites in are as good.
  13. Obelix

    Grape quality impacts the wine - or is it the process

    Sorry. I was away for some weeks. Was not aware of responses. Re:good grape Tasted the new Grenache yesterday before I added sulphites. . Very, very nice 🙂 The grape was if a great quality. So far so good. About the 2nd run... My experience with it was always poor. With grappa too. Some...
  14. Obelix

    Grape quality impacts the wine - or is it the process

    2nd wine is pretty bad. Had been given some. It contains tannins, alcohol and headache.
  15. Obelix

    Grape quality impacts the wine - or is it the process

    My curse , if you want to call it a curse , is that I made too much. So while 2019 was so nice, I made too much 0 could drink it for a long time so I neglected the 2020, and even more 2021. The 2019 was in bulk storage between 6 and 12 months (3 kegs - bottled 2 months apart) - all good . The...