Recent content by Peggy Billingsley

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  1. P

    Honey Citron and Ginger Tea

    Has anyone used the Honey Citron and Ginger tea concentrate to make a “mead”. I know it isn’t really mead since it is less than 50% honey, but it looks to have the same consistency as honey. To make a glass of tea they use 2-3 tsp to 2.5 oz hot water. I am trying to figure out if using the whole...
  2. P

    Damn, broke a carboy today

    All the 3 gallon glass carboys from Italy I have seen lately seem to have a crack in the bottom. Everyone says it is a seam, but just doesn't look like it. Anyone have any knowledge about whether this is so?
  3. P

    Red vs White Grape Juice

    I don't see a strawberry chocolate wine listed at the link, what type of chocolate did it use and when?
  4. P

    How to take the SG of thick must.

    Where do I find this calculator? Does it have a determination of the sugar amount from the fruit? and then I add it to what the SG of the amount of sugar I added should be?
  5. P

    How to take the SG of thick must.

    Where do you get these fine bags and is there a mesh size you like?
  6. P

    How to take the SG of thick must.

    The fruit is in the bag, but the pulp leaches out into the must with these types of fruit. Do you have an additional bag lining the bucket also?
  7. P

    How to take the SG of thick must.

    Dense liquid doesn't affect the refractometer reading?
  8. P

    How to take the SG of thick must.

    I have been increasing the amount of fruit used in my wines to increase the flavor, 6+ pounds/gallon. I have frozen the fruit (plums, peaches, pears, apricots) and then mixed with sugar for 24 hrs while thawing to draw out the juices. Then I try to measure the amount of juice released and top...
  9. P

    SYRUP for flavoring???

    I had heard it would be good to use to backsweeten since the sugar was already broken down into fructose and glucose so the sweetness wouldn't change while aging. If you stabilize hopefully it wouldn't referment.
  10. P

    SYRUP for flavoring???

    don't you need acid/lemon to make an invert sugar?
  11. P

    SYRUP for flavoring???

    Old Orchard has a blueberry pomegranite. 100% juice (of course it is mostly apple, but tastes like blueberry pomegranite) I have used it to backsweeten an apple wine to create a blueberry pomegranite flavor.
  12. P

    SYRUP for flavoring???

    what is an f pac and how do you make it?
  13. P

    Wine made from milk

    Thanks, now to decide how to produce the whey, or maybe I should use the non-fat milk Tracy the original poster is trying.
  14. P

    Wine made from milk

    Which method of cheese making gets rid of the most milk solids culturing or acidification? Could I make yogurt using yogurt with live cultures and get enough whey or would I have to buy special cheese cultures and make a hard cheese? If I made a soft cheese thru acidification, I guess I would...