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  1. P

    Casual winemaker

    When I was a kid in the 70s I helped my father plant his garden. He would have never considered planting his tomato plants before mid-May as we usually had a frost the 1st-2nd week of May. Now, I moved 40 miles north of them, into a colder zone and we always plant our tomatoes in late April...
  2. P

    Casual winemaker

    My wife is a Penn State Master Gardener...You would have been right 20 years ago, but global warming has increased the first frost date into November, we see high 80 degree temps into October, and our last frost date was recently pushed ahead from May 13 into late April. Today is Oct. 2nd and we...
  3. P

    Casual winemaker

    I have tons of Blackberries/mulberries on my property, but usually give them as a treat to my chickens who will kill each other fighting over them. My wife likes me to make her some blackberry jam occasionally, but I may set some aside next year to ferment...basically, if it has carbohydrates...
  4. P

    Low ABV Concord grape

    I use a glass hydrometer. I ended up with a half bottle left after bottling this afternoon, so I'm drinking it (hate to waste!) Even unaged it is pleasant, and more dry than I originally believed with a very small trace of carbonation and a distinct bite. I don't think there was a stall, I...
  5. P

    Casual winemaker

    I mostly make wine from my parents excess grapes. Unfortunately they just have Concords which aren't the best grape. I'm hoping to start a small arbor with some Cabernet Sauvignon and Pinot Noir grapes. I've also made dandelion wine. I do it casually for fun, but have all the equipment to make...
  6. P

    Low ABV Concord grape

    I've been making wine off and on for 10+ years. My parents have a large grape arbor, but they are all Concord. We gather the grapes, wash them, smash them in 5-gallon buckets, and then run them through a homemade press. My parents don't drink, so they only want the grapes for jelly/juice...