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  • Rocky
    Rocky replied to the thread Can K-meta powder go bad?.
    Tim Vandergrift! What the heck does he know?! ;) For bottles, we use one of these spritzers, with sanitizing solution and then hang...
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  • Rocky
    Rocky replied to the thread ABV & Back Sweetening.
    Thank you. Interesting article. I would say that the vast majority of the wine we consumed in Italy was red.
  • Rocky
    Rocky reacted to DrGriz's post in the thread ABV & Back Sweetening with Like Like.
    It is likely that it's not sulfites at all that cause wine headaches. Rather it is a flavonoid (a good thing, but gives some people...
  • Rocky
    Rocky replied to the thread ABV & Back Sweetening.
    Most commercial wines are more heavily sulfited than what we home wine makers do. I know that in Italy, my wife and I would routinely...
  • Rocky
    Rocky reacted to winemaker81's post in the thread ABV & Back Sweetening with Like Like.
    IME, wines made without sulfite have a much shorter shelf life. K-meta bonds with contaminants, including O2, rendering them harmless...
  • Rocky
    Rocky reacted to winemaker81's post in the thread What's for Dinner? with Like Like.
    Mrs. WM81 requested mac-n-cheese, which we haven't made in a while. In the late 70's when my parents purchased their first microwave...
  • Rocky
    Rocky replied to the thread Show Us Your Pets.
    My two little guys are always beside me, mostly sleeping. Carlo, background, is 14 and Luigi, foreground, is 16. Luigi is losing his...
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  • Rocky
    Rocky reacted to cmason1957's post in the thread Post a Meme, any Meme! (no politics) with Haha Haha.
  • Rocky
    Rocky replied to the thread Hello from a brand new winemaker!.
    Hey "26," Welcome to the forum. Love your layout and it appears you have a fine harvest coming. Keep us up on the ripening and harvest...
  • Rocky
    Rocky replied to the thread ABV & Back Sweetening.
    Dave, I usually do it on the range set at a very low temperature in order to fully dissolve the sugar. Yes, I just use plain sucrose. I...
  • Rocky
    Rocky replied to the thread ABV & Back Sweetening.
    I rarely use simple syrup but when I do I mix 2 parts sugar to one part water. The amount of water that ends up in the wine is negligible.
  • Rocky
    Rocky replied to the thread Can K-meta powder go bad?.
    Sorry, I missed the part that you were using it for sanitizing. As OhioBob says, make up a very strong solution (one that will curl you...
  • Rocky
    Rocky replied to the thread ABV & Back Sweetening.
    Did you mean to say Potassium Sorbate, not Potassium Sulfate? The Potassium Sorbate is normally added to wine before back sweetening to...
  • Rocky
    Rocky replied to the thread ABV & Back Sweetening.
    I seriously doubt it would make a discernible difference. For example, if you have a wine at 12% ABV, you would have about 15.4 ounces...
  • Rocky
    Rocky replied to the thread Can K-meta powder go bad?.
    If it were exposed to moisture, heat, light and oxygen, it could lose its potency. I would pitch it and get a new supply. Small cost...