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  1. Texas Winer

    Arizona Zin Vineyard Verde Valley

    These look amazing!
  2. Texas Winer

    Grasshoppers on my grapes

    Hi! I did alot of research and I found out that grasshoppers HATE CINNAMON. I put some in the vineyard and around it and they are gone and we have ALOT of grasshoppers on our land. I also put it on my UTV, because I would drive through the fields and we had so many they would jump on me...
  3. Texas Winer

    I am new to wine making, not very new to grape growing.

    This is so great! I also cant wait to grow my own grapes and make wine from them. I didn't realize you could buy juice from Double A to make wine. I bought my vines from them, maybe this would be something I could do! I want to be learning to make wine while my vines grow over the next 3...
  4. Texas Winer

    Experimenting with wine and apples in Texas

    Tracy, As I am a hobby farmer, I just pick and choose and plant and pray! These are what I have ordered for Spring delivery: Sangiovese (because I have discovered my soil is more of a clay and my research said these might do well) Merlot Kanthus (same as above) Frontenac Blanc Himrod Kerner...
  5. Texas Winer

    Greetings from NW Washington State

    Hi Countrygent! Texas vine grower here and a newbie! I am so jealous you are making wine from your own grapes already! I have just planted 40 and have 40 ordered for spring delivery. I read, read, read, but then come on here and learn so much MORE! Yes, I agree the forum is the way to go!
  6. Texas Winer

    Dizzy's wine journey

    Wow, so if I understand you are buying grapes and making wine from them? I am new to this and trying hard to understand all the verbiage and the steps and the yeast and the carboys and the...its alot! But i'm willing to learn. I hope to be able to make some fruit wines later this year and...
  7. Texas Winer

    Winemaker from the Midwest

    Oh thank you! I'm so glad to know there are kind people offering to help those of us who are newbies! I have just planted a vineyard (40 vines and 40 more ordered for spring delivery), so have a while to make wine with my own grapes, but as soon as I have built something to make wine in, I may...
  8. Texas Winer

    Greetings from the Sunshine State

    Sounds like you have a lot going on! Good for you having so many different interests, but wine is one of the best. We just planted a vineyard in Northeast Texas in Red River County and currently waiting to see if it makes it! We had a rough 100 degree August, but all the vines seem to be fine...
  9. Texas Winer

    New From Iowa

    This sounds amazing! I'm new to everything too, except I'm in Texas. That is so great that you already have vineyards! I will have to check out Virtual Viticulture Academy, and thanks for that tip!
  10. Texas Winer

    Hello from a brand new winemaker!

    Hi from Texas! That sounds exciting and fun! Thats where I am too, retired and have the time to give it my all. I planted 40 and have 40 ordered for delivery next spring. Its been fun and I can't wait to get to the winemaking part with my own grapes! So jealous you are already there, but I...
  11. Texas Winer

    I'm Backkkkkk and ready to learn even more!

    Chuck, Its just a hobby vineyard...I'm old, so my commercial days are over, I don't want to work that hard! I'm just enjoying watching things grow and planning what to do with them,
  12. Texas Winer

    I'm Backkkkkk and ready to learn even more!

    I will be making some fruit wine as soon as our buildings are ready. I will have a wine room and be able to go through the process and learn, while I'm waiting the 3+ years. I'm very patient, so I can see it being here before I know it.
  13. Texas Winer

    I'm Backkkkkk and ready to learn even more!

    Bob, I did plant Tempranillo and they seem to be okay so far...we had some rough August 100s, so everything was under stress, but with 5 rows of white and 3 rows of red, the red actually seem to be doing the best! Some itasca (doesnt look as good as the others, its a white), barbera a red,-which...
  14. Texas Winer

    UK - starting a micro garden vineyard

    MR. French, Sounds exciting! Honestly, what I did was just dive right in and plant 8 different varieties - 5 white, 3 red. So far, so good, I'm in Northeast Texas, Red River County, so we have heat, some heat and some more heat, but with water and good weather (we're past August thank God), all...
  15. Texas Winer

    How Many Varieties to Start?

    Hi Willow Homestead! Ann from Texas here and my husband and I are hobby farmers and a vineyard is my hobby. We just picked what was designated to grow well in our zone (8a) and so far some are doing better than others. I have had to resign myself to the fact that some may not make it, but so...