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  1. W

    Post a Meme, any Meme! (no politics)

    During WW2, we had double daylight saving time in the UK!
  2. W

    Newton Vineyards

    LVMH Closes Newton Vineyards in California Permanently No Reconstruction After the 2020 Fire Disaster Newton Vineyards in Napa Valley will not be rebuilt four years after the destruction caused by the devastating wildfire "Glass Fire" and is closing permanently. By Wein‑Plus GmbH The winery...
  3. W


    Vandals Destroy Experimental Vineyard in Verona First NGT Vines in a Field Trial Unknown individuals have destroyed the first NGT vines planted in a field trial. By Wein‑Plus GmbH Unknown perpetrators destroyed ten Chardonnay vines on the campus grounds of the University of Verona in San...
  4. W

    Post a Meme, any Meme! (no politics)

    Years ago, Leeds United, who were a top UK football club, was managed by Don Revie. He told his team, "When you're out in public, you must always wear a suit and tie. You are the clubs ambasadors, I don't want to see any of you wearing jeans or you're in trouble!".
  5. W

    Post a Meme, any Meme! (no politics)

    looks like you've got the Grand Canyon on there.
  6. W

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    Just for the record, that was intended to be a wee joke. Not weevil, but WEE VIL.
  7. W

    Post a Meme, any Meme! (no politics)

    That was on my work assessment!
  8. W

    Post a Meme, any Meme! (no politics)

    It's a laugh I know, but I've seen quite a few recipes on Youtube for sandwhiches. The biggest ingredient on most of them, believe it or not, is bread.:D
  9. W

    The Bread Thread

    I don't know if anyone has tried this. I saw this tip on 'Bake with Jack' website re ovenspring. When the required oven temperature is reached, pop your loaf into the oven and switch off for 10 minutes aprox, then switch on again and bake as normal. Wow, the ovenspring is fantastic, far bigger...
  10. W

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    Can anyone tell me the size of vil. A woman once told me to buy a flourbin as I might have Wee vils in my flour. My eyes must be bad, I just couldn't see any.
  11. W

    Post a Meme, any Meme! (no politics)

    I know I'm almost 92 but recently I was in a men's public urinal when a young fella came and stood in the next pew. I glanced over, as you do. "You've got a good handful there lad. Four fingers!" I said. He looked over my way and said, "You're not so bad yourself. You've got four fingers". "I...
  12. W

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    You guys make me laugh worrying about how much snow you get. Over here in the UK, we really worry about snow. Any amount above 1 inch and there's absolute chaos, almost a national disaster. Roads, rail, and airports brought to a standstill. We Brits do what we always do when it happens. Blame...
  13. W

    Washington Post: I tried 9 Costco Kirkland wines. Some blew me away.

    Champagne yes. Popcorn no. Corn is chicken feed.! ;)
  14. W

    Wondering How Much Cheaper Costco Groceries Are? I Did the Math......

    In the UK, supermarkets, have products on the shelf in smaller packs at one price alongside a larger pack at a price that is less than two small ones. They look cheaper, but if you check the weights or the price per Kg. or Ltr., they actually are more expensive. The law says the price per Kg...
  15. W

    Post a Meme, any Meme! (no politics)

    Might be like Champagne, extra ferment, Frothy milk.:D