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  1. W

    Post a Meme, any Meme! (no politics)

    Edison diamond disc circa 1928
  2. W

    Peanut Wine

    You could use a peanut flavored whiskey / forgot the name / and use it like a brandy fortifier. Bill
  3. W

    Hobbies other than winemaking?

    Turning wood and acrylics on a lathe. Then doing craft shows to support it. Did 10 shows in 12 weeks. I'm tired!! Bill
  4. W

    Labor Costs

    I do wood turning for a hobby and sell at craft shows. I charge cost of materials, booth rent and small profit. I don't think I could get any kind of wage added for my time included. Bill
  5. W

    What R you doing today?

    I'm in procrastination {sp} mode the other "P". My turning hobby has taken over. Getting ready for craft show season . Bill
  6. W

    RJ Spagnols En Primeur Winery Series - Italian Amarone Style

    Southern comfort 100 proof ?? Bill
  7. W

    Peach preserves recipe

    Did a smucker's jam. Using 4 1/2 jars of 18 oz Smucker's blackbeerry . Need reciepe?? Bill
  8. W

    Coffee Wine Question - Need Opinions Please!

    Dunkin - extra large - six sugars - regular cream - yum !! Bill
  9. W

    Cork Art

    Try ETSY for craft ideas !! Bill
  10. W

    DIY Labels, not computer generated?

    You maybe right, but real pretty?? I don't remember !! Bill
  11. W

    DIY Labels, not computer generated?

    One more . Bill
  12. W

    DIY Labels, not computer generated?

    One of my photo's used as a label. Bill
  13. W

    What R you doing today?

    I learned to program in Basic on a PDP-11 at a locale high school. Made some extra money doing it for my company> Bill
  14. W


    Get well Dawg and Dad!! Bill
  15. W

    Post a photo, any photo

    As they say when 20 deg. feels balmy, you know your up north !! Bill