Thanks for the response. Maybe not the best way to go. I prefer good flavor above any cost. Im new to puree's. What would you use to make a pineapple wine? Thank You
Well its kinda in the eye of the beholder! Ya maybe a bit excessive but on the other hand, What would you be doing if you wasn't making wine??? Something even more dangerous like Drag Racing, Chasing Girls, Sky Diving, Jumping off the garage roof with a trash bag as a parachute??
I found this Pineapple Puree and am looking for a recipe or advice
on using it to make wine. How much wine would it make? I am not sure if web links are allowed. Any input is appreciated...
John Martin Reservoir in Lamar, Colo was also built by Corps of Engineers in 1943. The water level is now the lowest that I ever remember in my 61 years! I remember going inside on a tour in grade school. There are three 1meg hydro generators that have not run in years. You can see where the...
I once read a science report about just how bad plastics are! It basically said girls are getting bigger and boys are becoming girls! I avoid plastics at all costs!