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  1. Musissa


    Thank you so much! Great information, thanks for your time. We are looking at them right now.
  2. Musissa


    You are so kind, thank you so much! I will contact you if we need your thing, but we are hoping to buy our own. I will check Enoitalia online and tell my husband to check it too.
  3. Musissa


    Congratulations on having such a great harvest this year! We did have some grapes last year, destemmed and crushed by hands and then by potato masher. Don't ask what happened to our first "wine" :D I drunk it alone and it was yummy, but my husband refused, declared emergency, bought books...
  4. Musissa


    Thank you! Looks nice!
  5. Musissa


    Hello again, Please give me your recommendations on what crusher is the best for our needs. Manual is fine but electrical is fine too. Something not big, easy to operate and of high quality. We will have no more than 200-300lbs of grapes to crush and don't mind destemming them manually. We...
  6. Musissa

    Where can we buy fresh grapes for red wine making?

    You are right, plastic doesn't like hot sun, attics, garages and sheds. I hide my gardening equipment away from direct sun, in shady areas outdoors. There were several disasters, so I learned my lessons the hard way too. We lived in Raleigh, NC for 4.5 years (6 years for my husband), June 1...
  7. Musissa

    Where can we buy fresh grapes for red wine making?

    Thank you so much! Will be looking for Italian glass for sure. We have and used 2 Italian 5 gallons carboys, but now need more of big ones.
  8. Musissa

    Where can we buy fresh grapes for red wine making?

    We actually need 2 more 6 gallons carboys now. They were available yesterday here but my husband missed them. I have to look somewhere else for them. Another $200🤣
  9. Musissa

    Interesting wine making video

    I don't know cold hardy they are. Republic of Georgia has very mild winters, very soft and even warm in some locations. But if the grapes were selected to grow somewhere in elevated places, then they may be good for our Utah too. We had 4F one night in 2023. I have to plant my grapevines close...
  10. Musissa

    Interesting wine making video

    Double A is now out of stock, I am not sure whether they will continue to sell them or not. I wanted to pre order at least 2-3 vines. I should call Double A and ask.
  11. Musissa

    Interesting wine making video

    Good to know, thank you! I regret now that I bought only 1 vine of Saperavi I had 100% rate of survival for any vines sold by Double A. Last spring was very weird. Late frost and snow as late as May 7 killed 1 out of 2 Cab Sauvignon and Saperavi.
  12. Musissa

    Where can we buy fresh grapes for red wine making?

    Thank you, a very useful information!
  13. Musissa

    Where can we buy fresh grapes for red wine making?

    Thank you very much for sharing your experience and ideas! We don't have many vineries nearby, but I hope some of them (like one or two) will trust me and allow to volunteer for them. And learn a lot! My husband decided to buy 200lbs of Cabernet Sauvignon from Livermore, CA at the time when we...
  14. Musissa

    Interesting wine making video

    A very interesting video, thank you for finding and sharing it. I have to show it to my husband who also wants to make something as simple as possible. As our ancestors did for centuries! The man's name is Georgy (Georgii or Georgiy), and he is from Kavkaz (Caucasus Mountains), former USSR. He...
  15. Musissa

    Where can we buy fresh grapes for red wine making?

    Great idea, thank you!
  16. Musissa

    Where can we buy fresh grapes for red wine making?

    Thank you so much! I am going to call local vineyards of course. We are looking for 120-150 lbs. of fresh grapes only since it is our first time making wine from grapes using proper equipment, yeast and some chemicals. Last fall we bought 5 gal of Cab Sauvignon juice from Double A and got 26...
  17. Musissa

    Where can we buy fresh grapes for red wine making?

    I just found this source. May be the one of the best options for us. But we also would LOVE to buy fresh Utah grown grapes.
  18. Musissa

    Where can we buy fresh grapes for red wine making?

    Hello, We would like to buy fresh grapes for making our own red wine. We have equipment and want to practice before our own grape vines start producing enough. We are in Utah not far from Salt Lake City and are willing to drive in any direction up to 300 miles in order to pick up grapes...
  19. Musissa

    I am new to wine making, not very new to grape growing.

    Interesting, thank you so much for sharing this information! We moved to Utah in Sep. 2021 and immediately started to look for and buy local red wines. And we liked them! Older store in Riverton had a better selection than the one in Herriman. Then they disappeared maybe due to the unfortunate...
  20. Musissa

    I am new to wine making, not very new to grape growing.

    Thank you so much for very interesting and useful information! I need to learn a lot.