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    Light on the fruit

    Of course the frozen concentrate would have no preservatives
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    Light on the fruit

    Needed to know if you can add frozen grape concentrate to the primary if you come up short on your fruit? Had the sugar content too high and after adjusting with water to get in range 1.112 I think the grape flavor will be weak.
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    Ĥydrometer Help

    Adjusted to 1.112 all good now the yeast should tolerate this much better when I pitch it
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    Ĥydrometer Help

    Adjusted and got the sg down to 1.112
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    New to The Group

    Holland Michigan
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    New to The Group

    Not sure the grape strains, I planted them from cuttings I took from some overgrown vacant property.
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    New to The Group

    Thank for the add, I've been brewing for years and have dabbled with wine making for years with my home grown grapes, still seeking knowledge on wine making
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    Ĥydrometer Help

    Figured it out!!!
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    Ĥydrometer Help

    New to making wine I am confused if I have too much sugar or not enough I am shooting for starting gravity 1.113-1.123 see photo do I have too much or not enough sugar?