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  1. S

    Freezing to stop fermentation does not work

    It doesnt take much. I see the yeast at 40X but at higher magnification i can not see the yeast innards. I have a video of it budding but i believe my total lack of knowledge an how to use a good microscope and not having any experience on preparing slides is the real culprit. I have...
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    Freezing to stop fermentation does not work

    LUC i AM VERY INTERESTED IN YEAST. I just read your blog. I enjoyed it but faied to see any mention of aerating the apple juice after you sterilized it. Ps it is a pain to have to search for the english version unless i missed the button. I have Books on yeast by Pierre Rojette and Chris...
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    Freezing to stop fermentation does not work

    no i never even heard of you or your blog--but if you are disproving urban legend wine theories i like you already.
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    Freezing to stop fermentation does not work

    where did you get the idea that freezing yeast would kill it-- heat does that. ! yeast cell. well if you want to make a starter bottle a month before pitching i guess that would work. Please tell me whatever prompted you to make these unusual tests???
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    What R you doing today?

    What part of florida are you heading for???
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    Happy Birthday Ibglowin

    Happy Boyd day
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    Greetings from East Texas

    My friend HAP CALL a Suzuki rider lives in beaumont.
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    Help me wire in an ammeter with a shunt

    I had a great revelation this morning when checking out my ebay. The shunt that i puraches is really 30 amps not 75 amps as i thought. I used the magnifying glass to re check. I guess my eyes are really bad. HMMM
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    Primary Fermentation, lid on or not?

    The cover lid is to keep the bugs and airborne yeasts out. Either way is ok but you need to oxygenate your juice before you pitchthe yeast. The well oxygenated wart enables the yeast to multiply and populate the juice. This is called the aerobic stage. CO2 is heavier than air and lays on top...
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    Hey wade

    Dan thanks. I needed a success to get me re entheused :)
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    Help me wire in an ammeter with a shunt

    Ok research and help from someone has got me on track. Turns out that the shunt must match the meter. I just ordered a 30 amp 75mv shunt to match my 30 amp 75mv meter.
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    Help me wire in an ammeter with a shunt

    I purchased an un shunted 30 amp ammeter so i could learn how rto wire it in with a shunt I WILL ENCLOSE A PHOTO BELOW. The shunt is rated at 80 amps and has a 75mv something. I see the meter has a 75 mv movement. The shunt has 2 terminals at each end. One large and one small. Each set...
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    My grandma never looked that good Mrs Rocky SCOTTY/aka/ domenico vincenti Mario Scotto DeChicarello
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    Hey wade

    In re reading my posts, i found where you had once given me advice in nutrition and energizer. We were talking about beverages made from who knows what!!!! You told me that the juice from grapes had much of the needed nutrients and in that case a normal dose of nutrient and energizer was...
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    Its ferminting under lock now. Really cooking. I needed this whatever it is to get things rolling again, Ill look for frozen welches soon. Then ill see about making some real wine after that.
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    Finally back at it

    Scott i kept a 250cc honda helix scooter. I ride that a lot. No more big machines for me-- I wont spend that kind of $$
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    Finally back at it

    Scott, i had a trike kit installed on one of my bikes but the leg pain was so bad i couldnt ride any way. That was before hip replacement. I shouldnt have sold my babys but i kept a helix for now. This streetfighter had 125 hP on the ground there were more but thats...
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    What R you doing today?

    I just looked closer and fermentation is excellent. My guess is that because I used one of those crystalized juce bases, it is not making the foam i am used to seeing on top. I almost dumped it but wanted just one more look :h
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    going over all my posts i made in the last few years

    I just found WALDO's email address in my files. I sent him an email. this morning. He is an early riser and if he is going to respond, i should get one soon