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  1. Stressbaby

    Questions re: first "real" batch of wine

    This wine is what, 2 weeks old? You've already racked 3 times, so @heatherd makes a good point: if you're at 0.990 now and haven't dosed with Kmeta, do that, top it up all the way, you need to minimize risk of oxidation. Then sit on your hands for a month. There are many methods of degassing...
  2. Stressbaby

    Nanny Berry similar to Elderberry

    I have made wine with two different viburnums we grow. V. trilobum (cranberry bush viburnum) was undrinkably bitter. V prunifolium (blackhaw viburnum) was used in a coferment with blackberry, serviceberry, haskaps, and elderberry; I know drinkable wine is made from the other components, so I...
  3. Stressbaby

    Questions re: first "real" batch of wine

    How much lees are we talking about here? You aren't necessarily going to speed up the clearing by simply racking. The stuff you see is not making the wine cloudy, it is the stuff you can't see making the wine cloudy. If you have racked once already (I'm guessing you have based on the prior...
  4. Stressbaby

    Questions re: first "real" batch of wine

    It is not necessary to ALWAYS wait overnight before taking another SG reading. The requirement is getting the sugar dissolved, and any way you do that is fine.
  5. Stressbaby

    Acid Reduction without pH shift
  6. Stressbaby

    Acid Reduction without pH shift

    I think it is well known and understood that the pH shift with calcium carbonate is less than potassium bicarbonate. The issue if I recall correctly is the time it takes to precipitate. It takes several months for this process to occur. So the adjustments must be made several months prior to...
  7. Stressbaby

    How long to age riesling?

    Inside Winemaking podcast did a series on Riesling from a conference in Traverse City, MI this year. Riesling winemakers from all over the globe. Audio not balanced well, but lots of great information on making Riesling.
  8. Stressbaby

    Acid levels

    Acid levels can be adjusted after fermentation.
  9. Stressbaby

    Ausie Gal making Jaboticaba wine :)

    I have not made jaboticaba wine yet, but I have two trees and have been freezing fruit until I have enough. I'm almost there, probably will make it this summer. I think you are on the right track here. You probably could have stretched this to 3 gallons. I agree with pulling skins at 72 hours...
  10. Stressbaby

    Banana wine sediment

    Agree, way too much headspace. That wine is going to oxidize if it hasn't already. Also, Just my opinion but your wine is not close to being clear. Several weeks away if not months.
  11. Stressbaby


    Use TA as your target, not pH. High pH usually goes with low acid but not always. Taste correlates better with TA than pH. In a way that makes things easier because acid additions change the TA in a linear fashion, while that cannot be said for pH.
  12. Stressbaby

    Stressbaby's Sanitizer Experiments

    I appreciate the feedback. Experiments still ongoing. I put 1ml of tap water on a plate Sunday, will check on it tonight. Next round of experiments will use some discs or solid flat surfaces and transfer those directly to the plates instead of into wine first.
  13. Stressbaby

    Elderberry wine too sour

    Cold stabilizing is worth a try. At worst, nothing happens and you've lost a little time. I've not been super thrilled with the results when I've used KHCO3. It's not a magic bullet - can leave a saline or chemical sort of taste. If you are shooting for TA of 6, then IIRC you are at the limit of...
  14. Stressbaby

    Cranberry orange has a gross vomit-like taste.

    It could be "reductive." Did you follow a good nutrient schedule? If it's reductive you want to fix it sooner rather than later. You can do a diagnostic test, instructions here. The longer you wait with a reductive wine, the harder it is to fix.
  15. Stressbaby

    Elderberry wine too sour

    I agree with cmason, not to much to gain from MLF. FWIW, looking back at my elderberry wine, they have gotten 10-15g/gal acid, mostly tartaric. So yeah, you probably overshot. The first thing I would do is nothing. It may settle down. Later, potassium bicarb is a consideration, but I'd look...
  16. Stressbaby

    Aging on the lees (Sur Lie aging)

    Listened to an Inside Winemaking podcast yesterday with a Riesling winemaker from Europe who throws everything in a barrel, lets it ferment, and doesn't rack it for up to 8 years. They touched on the second point, which really has to do with the fact that the yeast doesn't die, and the low level...
  17. Stressbaby

    Fermentation Question

    I lied earlier when I said it was my last post. THIS is my last post, only to say the sanitizer experiment thread is here for anyone with constructive comments.
  18. Stressbaby

    Stressbaby's Sanitizer Experiments

    Some folks on other threads have gotten feisty. This started with the contention from @BernardSmith that tap water is "full of bacteria" and that one was "neutralizing" the sanitizer, presumably by reinfecting the equipment, if you rinse after sanitizing. I said I didn't think that this was...
  19. Stressbaby

    Fermentation Question

    Then you haven't read the thread. I've said it probably 5 times on this and other threads, but I'll say it again. Rinsing with tap water provides a mechanical process for removing bacteria which I theorize carried negligible risk and potentially could be helpful. Think of the inside of a racking...