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  1. CTDrew

    Growing grapes with sand???

    Grapevines have a large root system so changing the soil under the plant can’t change the soil type of the vineyard. Naturally sandy soil series are said to fair better than other soil types because sandy soils are poor habitats for them.
  2. CTDrew

    Marquette veraision

    Still green in northern CT but with all the heat we’ve been having it wouldn’t surprise me if they ripen early this year.
  3. CTDrew

    Growing Grapes on a Small Island in Michigan

    Definitely keep us posted, and good luck. This sounds like an interesting project. Seconding @BigH I would say starting small will give you a feel for the work involved. My personal feeling is less vines that I take good care of serve me better than more that I don't!
  4. CTDrew

    Too late to plant cuttings?

    I would bet some will root, take Salcoco’s advice and keep them moist. I did some concords very late a few years back and still got quite a few to root. Nothing to risk but a little time. Let us know how it goes.
  5. CTDrew

    Beginner: trying to choose varieties

    A lot of the commercial vineyards due West of you on lake Champlain are growing a lot of Marquette and Frontenac, and making very good wines from them year after year. I think that is where I would start.
  6. CTDrew

    If you did it again?

    Good luck with the planting this spring and I second the wish for nice weather come spring!
  7. CTDrew

    Spotted Lanternfly

    Just wanted to post a link to this recent study on the spotted lanternfly I came across which has been a real issue in Eastern parts of PA: Hopefully, none of my fellow Northeast growers has seen these invaders yet, but I imagine it will only be a matter of time before we...
  8. CTDrew

    Front Mounted Sickle Mower

    BCS walk behind tractors have a sickle bar attachment that front mounts. Might be helpful to look at depending on how much you have.
  9. CTDrew

    If you did it again?

    A few thoughts on varieties I like as I am growing in your neck of the woods ( Coventry and Enfield) I have done well and been happy with Cayuga as it performs very consistently and can make a wide variety of styles. I have also had good luck with Aromella. It is an aromatic white and handles...
  10. CTDrew

    2018 Growing Season. How was yours?

    Gruner Veltliner and Frontenac Blanc both had extremely poor season and did not ripen up. Did okay with Cayuga and Aromella though considering the weather.
  11. CTDrew

    2018 Growing Season. How was yours?

    Ditto here. Lots of rain, fog and humidity. Some varieties failed to really ripen and had to be dropped and tossed on the compost pile. That said I made a few gallons of wine which was pretty good for getting 12 inches of rain in August alone!
  12. CTDrew

    Soil test analysis questions.

    Check your local land grant university as there may be something nearby. Cornell has a soil testing program here: and you can send them your soil sample and ask for recommendations based on the type of grape you are growing.
  13. CTDrew

    The Dutchman's Backyard (mini) Vineyard

    As touched on in other replies, your goal is to maximize the amount sun they get and that would be my chief concern. The sunnier the spot the easier it will be to ripen the clusters and the better the potential for good wine to result. Keep us posted on what you decide to do.
  14. CTDrew

    Brix 21, wet weather, Marquette

    If your growing season was anywhere near as wet as it was in New England(my vineyard had 11 inches of rain in August!), the wine quality will not be the best this year no matter what decision you make. Good luck with your harvest whenever you take them in!
  15. CTDrew

    How far above ground to place graft union?

    I have a few Gruner Veltliner in my vineyard. I set the graft about 1 inch from the soil level at planting, which migrated to about 2 inches once the soil settled in. This way I am able to bank soil over the graft union for the winter, which is what I think you are trying to do. The technique...
  16. CTDrew

    soil ph adjusting

    Your soil test report can be a big help on whether to use hi calcium lime or dolomitic lime. If you are low on calcium using some hi cal can be beneficial. If not don’t spend the extra money.
  17. CTDrew

    Is it possible to head prune grapes in the Midwest?

    I cannot speak to the Midwest as I am in New England, but I am running this experiment myself on my little lakeside lot. I am trying this with 32 Cayuga White vines which is coming in to year 3. My reason for playing around with this training system is due to the site. The ground is a stony...
  18. CTDrew

    Harvest help?

    Some of the commercial growers near me provide meals and pay with bottles of wine instead of money. Others do a regular payroll and I know one that sells tickets for the experience . I am growing about 60 vines so the friends and family plan works for me.
  19. CTDrew

    Come on spring!!! What's it like at your vineyard?

    It was in the 50s earlier in the week and I was out doing some pruning. Today in the 30s with rain and sleet. Hopefully soon the nice weather will win out!
  20. CTDrew

    DIY T Post Trellis T bars

    Thanks for sharing with us, maybe something I make use of myself next I do posts!