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  1. R

    Question-Leaving for 5 Days and my kits aren't quite ready for carboys

    I thought H2S problems were the result of stressed yeast. How would extended primary result in H2S issues?
  2. R

    Airing cupboard

    I would not trust lack of visible activity as a sign that fermentation has finished.
  3. R vacuum press review

    Serious question. How are you sure? Did you measure anything?
  4. R

    Pinot Noir Words of Wisdom

    Makes sense. I was wondering what that smaller tube was for. I'm a big proponent of "If it works, go for it," so that is my kind of device.
  5. R

    Pinot Noir Words of Wisdom

    On first glance, it looked like you were running wine through those black iron pipe fittings, but I can't tell what's going on inside that tee. Those aren't made to handle anything potable. Brown paper on the carboys is a great idea. I have tons of that around the house. I'll be stealing...
  6. R

    What's in a name

    Your examples are much higher in the amounts, but I say the same thing about home improvement, repair, and maintenance. The thing is that not everyone has the same knowledge, equipment, or time. What would be a quick, cheap job for me might be costly, difficult, and time-consuming for the next...
  7. R

    Drastic drop in SG

    Agree with the others. I put my whites in a swamp cooler at first sign of fermentation. Slow and steady wins the race for whites.
  8. R

    Chocolate/Vanilla/Coconut Stout

    What was your finished volume? The first post said you started with 4 gallons of water. A quart of vodka into 3 gallons or so of beer would definitely warm it up.
  9. R

    A ******* Bock...

    Sounds delicious. Glad it turned out well.
  10. R

    Pennsylvania winery question

    You hit on the big issue I see with that provision. Unless the same restriction is in place across all similar industries, it will surely be challenged and be revoked. Edit to add: The provision prevents the production of any type of wine, cider, mead, or wine cooler from fruit that isn't grown...
  11. R

    Pennsylvania winery question

    I agree that the wording is very difficult to follow, but it is written that way for a reason. People will do everything they can to skirt the law. Lawyers must write rules and regulations that attempt to account for as many variables as possible. My quick interpretation. If it grows in...
  12. R

    Other Kits on Deck

    I can't tell if you're kidding or not, but "on-deck" is most commonly associated with the baseball term, for the batter that is due to hit next. It originally started out on aircraft carriers, when a plane was brought to the flight deck (on-deck), prior to being launched. Baseball also...
  13. R

    Pennsylvania winery question

    Did you edit the post? In my mobile app I was able to see the interpretation you posted, but all I see now is the "1". I think you missed an important preceding sentence in your reading of (a)(2), but perhaps you figured that out.
  14. R

    WineXpert Eclipse Chardonnay & Sauvignon Blanc

    There's nothing to buy. It is pretty straightforward math.
  15. R

    Sediment cleaning and label removing

    It does indeed sound like there might be a fine film left over, which would explain why the SS balls wouldn't be very effective and why the brush just left marks. I think your best bet would be a hot soak in oxiclean free like others mentioned and then a good scrubbing with the brush.
  16. R

    Im a wine dummy :)

    If you didn't want to be responded to, why inject yourself? You made an educated guess that his answer was an educated guess. I was responding on my thoughts on educated guesses. Seemed appropriate enough.
  17. R

    Sediment cleaning and label removing

    Are you trying to remove the staining or is there still sediment inside?
  18. R

    Im a wine dummy :)

    An educated guess should not be stated as fact. Sure, the odds are that it won't be as tolerant as a cultivated strain, but at this point, it is impossible to tell without additional information. The wines could already be dry for all we know. Ajmassa5983 gave some excellent advice on how to...
  19. R

    Im a wine dummy :)

    You said the yeast does not have a high alcohol tolerance. How do you know that?
  20. R

    Im a wine dummy :)

    How do you know the alcohol tolerance of the yeast he is using? Also, it can't be dry and still have remaining sugar. Those are mutually exclusive terms.