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    Bottle suppliers
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    Clear Wine Bottles - Milwaukee

    I have clear wine bottles for sale in the Milwaukee, WI area. about 7 cases of clear wine bottles, used, no labels. 4 cases of clear champagne bottles, new, no labels. $7/case. I would be willing to ship (at cost, insurance is up to you, but you take the breakage risk).
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    Bottle suppliers In Port Washington, you can get used bottles from: The problem is removing the labels. Last I checked, they are "free" for a donation (I...
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    Bottle suppliers

    Where are you located? You could order from a manufacturer/distributor. some sell by the pallet (about 1,000 bottles).
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    Need help on this

    If it is a flocculating agent, maybe it will help clarify your wine? :sh
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    How much is lost using marbles?

    You won't loose much. I tilt the carboy towards the end of racking, and the wine flows to the low side. You can jam the racking cane into the marbles and get the last little bit.
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    Lack of Yeast

    If you have not yet crushed the grapes, then you can make a yeast starter to boost the yeast population prior to pitching. However, you need a day or two to do it. So, if the grapes are still intact, they can sit around another day or two before crushing.
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    Make sure you know the source of your honey (not just the distributor). I read warnings about china/mexico honey containing stuff you don't want.
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    kmeta shelf life...

    IMHO, shelf life in sealed container, for our purposes is much longer (years).
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    CO2 instead of topping up

    Purging with CO2 will displace the O2 in the headspace. The issue is what do you do to keep O2 from getting back in.
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    How long can I wait before adding yeast?

    Yeast is cheap. Pitch it when you are leaving. If it is not fermenting after 48 hours (after you get back), pitch again.
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    Thinking about buying a floor corker

    I have a cooler with a latch. Inside is an ice cream tub with about 1" of water with a 2 tablespoons or so of Na-Meta (K-Meta works too, but is more expensive). Stuff goes in the rest of the cooler around the ice cream tub. When I open the tub, I get a nice whiff of sulfur gas. When that...
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    Over sulfite correction

    You have to splash rack to get rid of the SO2 BEFORE you pitch the yeast. Otherwise, the SO2 will kill the yeast. I would splash rack, wait another 24 hours, and then pitch the yeast.
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    Thinking about buying a floor corker

    > sanitizing corks? I keep them stored in a sealable cooler with some metabisulfite dissolved in water. It produces a gas chamber that keeps the corks sanitized and moisturized. > types of corks At a minimum, use #9 corks (not #8). Other than that, the more expensive, the longer they last. >...
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    Case (24 bottles) on sale $10/case

    $1/bottle is the "retail" price I typically see. 375 and 750ml are basically the same price. The demand for the 750ml (vs lack of demand for the 350ml) makes them about the same price. Or, think of it this way: The glass is free (sand). The cost of molding the glass is the same whether they are...
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    This is a joke, right?
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    Long term bottle storage without massive wine racks

    That is "how" you do it. Not which wines benefit from extended aging.
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    Long term bottle storage without massive wine racks

    Most wines (including kits) go downhill after a few years. Most wines are intended to be consumed within one year, and the rest within 5 years. Only a select few are intended to be aged for a long time. Expect high end red kits peak in the 2-5 year range.
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    Long term bottle storage without massive wine racks

    Natural cork needs the bottle to be kept on its side in order to keep the cork from drying out. With synthetic corks, like Nomacorc, the bottles can be stored upright. So, you can keep the full bottles in the original boxes, and stack them on top of each other. I have no idea how many cases of...
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    Just finished a batch (WineXpert Pinot noir)

    > So should I use the drill to mix it more or just leave it? If you can bulk age it, leave it alone.