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  1. Sunshine Wine

    A year in!

    Getting old labels off the bottles and getting them washed up! Any suggestions for printing your own labels? I'm getting excited!
  2. Sunshine Wine

    A year in!

    Thank you so much for all the advice!
  3. Sunshine Wine

    A year in!

    I was just thinking about that. Wondering if I could rack to my 5 gallon buckets, add my sulfites, etc. and backsweeten, then wait a week or so and then bottle...
  4. Sunshine Wine

    A year in!

    Wow! Thank you!! I think I need more bottles!
  5. Sunshine Wine

    A year in!

    Thank you! I have no idea how many bottles nine gallons of wine will I've been gathering up used bottles from a friend. I doubt the wine will last long if it's any good at all.. I plan to gift it to anyone willing to try
  6. Sunshine Wine

    A year in!

    Ok, great, thank you! I have a floor corker. Any certain brand of corks better than others?
  7. Sunshine Wine

    A year in!

    "Imagine each bottles headspace so for those 1 gallon carboys, the total volume of the headspace in the 5 bottles..." As you said above, how much head space do I leave in the bottles? And how do I know what size corks to get?
  8. Sunshine Wine

    A year in!

    Great, thank you! Merry Christmas!
  9. Sunshine Wine

    A year in!

    Yes, I have added the sulfites each time I have racked. Thank you for the advice. So, I should rack, add sulfites and do my back sweetening now? If so, how long do I wait to bottle?
  10. Sunshine Wine

    A year in!

    Yes, I definitely don't want that to happen! Thanks!
  11. Sunshine Wine

    A year in!

    I have a total of 9 gallons at the moment. A 6 gallon carboy and 3 one gallon jugs. What do you mean by stabilizing? This is my first time, so I am going to be reading and researching what comes
  12. Sunshine Wine

    A year in!

    My blackberry wine has been aging for about a year now! I have to rack while I am off for the holidays. I have been collecting wine bottles and will need to pick up some corks eventually. I'm in no hurry, but am very excited to reach the bottling process and giving as gifts, hopefully next...
  13. Sunshine Wine

    Beginning a new batch

    So how will I know when it is time to backsweeten and bottle? I want to give it the best amount of time to be as good as I can get it.
  14. Sunshine Wine

    Beginning a new batch

    Great, thank you!
  15. Sunshine Wine

    Beginning a new batch

    Hello everyone! Been a while since I posted. I racked my blackberry wine a couple days ago and added the k-meta. Looking good! The waiting is! Do the airlocks need to level out before I consider bottling, once I get to that point, of course? Will rack again at the beginning of...
  16. Sunshine Wine

    Beginning a new batch

    Just racked both my batches. First 2 gallons on the right are 3 months old. Second larger batch on the left is about 3 weeks old.
  17. Sunshine Wine

    Hello to All!

    Did a taste test... still quite tart, but I will back sweeten closer to bottling. I want more of a table wine. SG is at 1.000.
  18. Sunshine Wine

    Hello to All!

    Awesome thank you!
  19. Sunshine Wine

    Hello to All!

    They are exactly the same... blackberry is just newer and I didn't know if that would hurt it for any reason.
  20. Sunshine Wine

    Hello to All!

    Ok! Back again! I am racking my first batch of 2 gallons from December. I am sure I won't have enough to fill to the 1 inch headspace. My question is...can I use some of the wine from my second batch, started 3 weeks ago, to fill it to the required amount in my demijohns? I know I need to add...