That partial container is only for topping off the other two once I rack again in 2 weeks. It has some sediment in it, so am just letting it settle for that reason. Still, might taste test after next rack! Just to see...
Finally got around to racking my new batch! As you can see, there are 7 and a half gallons. SG stands at exactly 1.000. I plan to put the gallon demijohns in the refrigerator for a couple weeks and re-rack and add k-meta then. One question...should I wrap the 6 gallon carboy to keep it "in the...
Question about my first 2 gallon batch. It has been out in the garage for about 2 months now. Should I bring it in to get it to room temp and let it stay in here from now on? I will be doing the 2nd racking(from the initial first one) at the end of March.
I have a 6 gallon carboy and 2 more 1 gallon demijohns, so I am sure I will be good to go. I have an extra refrigerator in the garage, so I can put the extra in there. I sealed the buckets with airlocks for now. Will check SG and rack to the carboy and demijohn in the next day or two. Thanks!
Checked SG last night...1.000 in one bucket and 1.002 in the other. The higher one is still bubbling slightly. Will continue to check it over the next few days and wait for it to stop bubbling. It has been 8 days today since I began this batch. I want a sweeter wine, so I assume back sweetening...
Hello! Welcome! I am new here also! Everyone has been so very helpful! My first try with wine is a 2 gallon batch and I just started another 8 gallon batch last Friday. I am doing a blackberry with juice that was a free gift. Hoping I can get a nice fruity wine with it. Good luck!
Ok, once it is finished, and my SG is constant, and I transfer to the carboy, then should I put the airlock on it, add k-meta and leave for about 3 months? Rack again, add k-meta, and leave for 3 months again, etc....
I am just worried about contamination... The buckets are 5 gallons and I put 4 gallons of must in each, thinking a gallons worth of space would be sufficient...