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  1. Intheswamp


    John, I hadn't even thought about the longer the hydrometer sits in the wine the more bubbles attach to it...another nugget.
  2. Intheswamp


    Sounds like the makings for a blockbuster hit movie..."The Mycoderma and Me". ;) I do tend to think that I'm a bit OCD about somethings...especially reading and studying and researching until my eyes are crossed and I"m sure I have the method/project/understanding/etc completely, without a...
  3. Intheswamp


    But, if the new winemaker understands that putting more oxygen into the must will encourage more bubbles then it might actually encourage them to stir. Just thinking outside the airlock... :i
  4. Intheswamp

    Welch's Juice Concentrates discontinued.... ???

    I think more fruit wine makers will probably start making larger amounts of wine when fruits are in season. Or, they will begin to procure and freeze larger amounts of fruit when it's plentiful and cheap. I dunno, I'm just really getting ready to step into fermenting wine in a larger than...
  5. Intheswamp

    corking trauma -- is there a workable technique?!

    Are you using #9 corks, beano? I've only used my Portuguese floor corker one time. It worked great but if I recall correctly I believe it left some indentations, too. I'll have to check and see.
  6. Intheswamp


    With almost a steady stream of bubbles it just seems like there has to be yeast activity going on. When it hits a peak and then starts slowing down or comes to a complete halt then it seems you would move into the gray area of "is it?" or "isn't it?" still fermenting...and that's when the...
  7. Intheswamp


    Yeasties...he's hooked!!!! Reel'im in!!!!!!!!! :D Folks say that bubbling airlocks don't tell you anything about a fermentation but when there's a steady stream of bubbles going on in primary...well, what else could be causing that other than a good fermentation? But, I'm a newbie, too, so...
  8. Intheswamp

    corking trauma -- is there a workable technique?!

    You won't believe the difference!!! Take care of the nut that controls the depth the cork is set to. Count threads or mark the plunger bolt at the current placement of the nut somehow (sharpie?...drop of paint?) may be wrong but it gives you a starting point to start with. Run the nut to...
  9. Intheswamp

    Welch's Juice Concentrates discontinued.... ???

    Oh, and I have seen Old Orchard brand, but only for apple juice and maybe some citrus juices.
  10. Intheswamp

    Welch's Juice Concentrates discontinued.... ???

    Dropping concentrates means they don't have to deal with refrigeration issues in manufacturing, shipping, and shelving (not that they're concerned about store shelving). I would almost think that the law of supply and demand has come into play. How many winemakers are there in comparison to...
  11. Intheswamp


    Why is there a difference between a carboy and a 750ml bottle in regards to having an airlock on it while aging? If the wine gets to a point where you say "This is good" most people then bottle it. But, if it's at that "good" stage and you want to leave it in the carboy (for whatever reason)...
  12. Intheswamp

    Juice price

    Aw man, that looks great!!! It ain't like the wine's gotta have room to do aerobics or anything...those yeasties know how to live in confined spaces...most of the time. ;)
  13. Intheswamp

    Welch's Juice Concentrates discontinued.... ???

    I mentioned in another thread about going out of our way to go by a Krogers Grocery Store in Opelika, Alabama because the Welch's Juice website that they carried the White Grape and Peach Concentrates. (Thirty minutes out of our way on a trip home from Georgia.) Naturally there wasn't a single...
  14. Intheswamp


    1.094 according to FermCalc has a potential ABV% of between 12 and 13.
  15. Intheswamp

    StarSan use - is this OK?

    What I've noticed is that lots of the big, clingy bubbles get pushed out the mouth of the bottle as it is filled with wine leaving a little bit in the airspace between wine and cork that is filled with bubbles. I fill that they area filled with bubbles helps to sanitize the cork/glass junction...
  16. Intheswamp

    Pectic enzyme query

    Well, it won't hurt to try PE and I don't think you can overdose it. That's from a recent conversation that we've had. Go for it!
  17. Intheswamp

    Pectic enzyme query

    Hmm, I'll wait for some of the experienced guys to answer your question but I thought that pectic enzymes were added to the must 12 to 24 hours before pitching the yeast. I'm thinking you need a clarifier or fining agent to clear it now...Sparkolloid, Super Clear, gelatin, etc.,. But, I could...
  18. Intheswamp

    corking trauma -- is there a workable technique?!

    Btw, I just recently bought one of the Portuguese floor corkers from Amazon back in September for $69. The box came really mangled-up-looking but the two parts to the corker were wrapped in some heavy (almost cardboard) corrugated paper and didn't have a scratch on it. There are only two...
  19. Intheswamp

    corking trauma -- is there a workable technique?!

    If you can afford it by all means buy a floor corker. You WILL NOT BELIEVE the difference between your "corker" and a floor corker. Basically you indeed are using brute force to insert the cork by only trying to push in a non-compressed cork. A floor corker compresses the cork and then pushes...
  20. Intheswamp

    Corks and a corker.

    Yeah, I'll keep looking and maybe a group-buy might be created in the future! Great idea!