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  1. pwrose

    Strawberry Time again

    well after the initial racking into the carboys and the clean up afterwards everything seems to be fine. there is a little bit of foam that has gotten into the airlocks but otherwise no more explosiveness. it is still bubbling but much slower and looking better every day. LOL chalk this one...
  2. pwrose

    Strawberry Time again

    HaHa fixed them there pics. I uploaded them to one of my albums and then used the IMG tag to insert them. Uploading them as attachments doesn't change the size enough or at all for that matter. Heres a link to the album if you want to see more pics...
  3. pwrose

    Strawberry Time again

    It was in an 18 gallon tote. I chcecked the SG and it was down to 1.006 so I put it into carboys then. I didnt start in carboys.
  4. strawberry aftermath b

    strawberry aftermath b

  5. strawberry aftermath a

    strawberry aftermath a

  6. 6 gallons of strawberry b

    6 gallons of strawberry b

  7. strawberry working the bubbles

    strawberry working the bubbles

  8. 90lbs Strawberries 05 05 11

    90lbs Strawberries 05 05 11

  9. strawberry bubbling away

    strawberry bubbling away

  10. 6 gallons of strawberry a

    6 gallons of strawberry a

  11. Strawberry 2011

    Strawberry 2011

    Strawberry season 2011
  12. pwrose

    Strawberry Time again

    Why wont my pics show up at normal size. I resize them and they still show up big.
  13. pwrose

    Strawberry Time again

    Well here it is after it hit 1.006 It was put into 2 x 3 gallon carboys 6 Gallons of strawberry Strawberry bubbling away Strawberry aftermath
  14. pwrose

    Strawberry Time again

    If they were fresh strawberries then i would not have boiled them. However these were ones that the farmer had picked and didn't sell before they started to look bad. Some (ones I threw out) already started to mold a little, others were bruised real bad, some had mushy spots. In other words they...
  15. pwrose

    Strawberry Time again

    Update: Checked the SG this morning and it was at 1.022, I am shooting for a 1.080 - 1.085 and hit 1.082 with 8 lbs of sugar. This took 5 cups of water to make a simple syrup. So the total amount of water added was 1 gallon and 5 cups, the rest of the must is just strawberry juice. With any...
  16. pwrose

    Strawberry Time again

    Well I didn't get the berries when I was supposed to however I picked them up today. 90 pounds of culls. I (along with some help) cleaned and cut up all 90 lbs. 70 lbs gave me 55 lbs of usable berries which were put in a 5 gallon pot and cooked down. These were then dumped into a strainer bag...
  17. pwrose

    Strawberry Time again

    Well I should finish gathering 70 lbs by this comming weekend and should get it started by the first of next week. While moving some bees around today for cantalope pollination I got my first sighting of elderberry flowers this year. Guess when it rains it pours, I have the strawberries to...
  18. pwrose

    Strawberry Time again

    Ok going on what I see here this will be the recipe 5 gallons 50 lbs strawberries Sugar to 1.09 SG petic enzyme acid blend just a pinch of tannins all the other normal stuff then a 4lb f-pak for 5 gallons or should it be 4lb per 1 gallon f-pak typing that out looks like alot, how about...
  19. pwrose

    Strawberry Time again

    Last years strawberry turned out a little toxic. I am planning to try a less toxic version this year. It was also weak in flavor even after adding a f-pak. So I am looking for suggestions, last year I think I had 6lbs of berries per gallon and used about 1 pint of juice per 2 gallons for a...
  20. pwrose

    Would ask a favor

    PW has voted.