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  1. marino

    Post your high-mileage cars here!

    Thanks, Rich. Are these fluids things that the mechanic would check on at oil changes? I'm there every couple of months. I'll ask about the trans cooler.
  2. marino

    Post your high-mileage cars here!

    I'm driving a 2009 Nissan versa new and have put all 158k miles on it. I drive about 550 miles per week so I'm trying to figure out how to extend the life of this car to the max. I need it to last at least 3 more years. Anyone have any advice? I change the oil religiously every 3-4k miles, max...
  3. marino

    Old Vine Zinfandel Port

    Yeah, I see what you're saying. I'm not saying the vodka was tasteless, just clean. I like my drinks clean too. I would use the aguardente they use in Portugal but it's not available so I use E&j brandy. I was thinking out loud with the vodka/brandy fortification idea.
  4. marino

    Old Vine Zinfandel Port

    I've found 151 proof vodka. Can't detect the fusil oils. Do you think that's marry better? What about mixing the vodka with brandy?
  5. marino

    What testing equipment to get

    Thanks, Corinth! Money is an object, but more than that, I want to make sure I can make wine to warrant the vinmetrica and other high end equipment
  6. marino

    Old Vine Zinfandel Port

    Thanks Coleman, just saw they were sold out. I was going to try your project. I really only got into wine making for the port
  7. marino

    What testing equipment to get

    Thanks. Yeah, I'm very new at this so I'm not sure I can make anything that will be drinkable, not to say justify the vinmetrica pro... Though that's what might help me. I wish there was a middle way...
  8. marino

    Old Vine Zinfandel Port

    Where did you order the OVZ bucket? I couldn't see where you ordered...
  9. marino

    kmeta and degasing before bottling??

    Thanks Roy! I might have to just go for that and not get them separately. I hope your remodel goes well!! Marino
  10. marino

    What testing equipment to get

    Hi everyone, So I've made 6 kits, one fresh juice bucket, and one batch from fresh grapes, but it goes without saying that I'm very new at this. I have no testing equipment outside of a hydrometer and ph strips. I'm going to have to get some stuff going but I'm trying not to buy redundant...
  11. marino

    kmeta and degasing before bottling??

    Yea this just happened to me. I had a whole case and a half of Pinot Grigio go flat in me because of a lapse in SO2... I need to get a free SO2 meter and a ph meter. Is there something that does both?
  12. marino

    WineXpert Flat, bodyless, WE Pinot Grigio

    So I just got home and I think I have bad news. Of the seven bottles I opened, forward to tasting flat to some degree or another whereas the other three were nice and bright in flavor. I think this means I have to take them as they come and be glad when I open a bottle that hasn't gone flat? Is...
  13. marino

    WineXpert Flat, bodyless, WE Pinot Grigio

    Thanks, everyone. I haven't heard anything from the kit guys but this is not looking good. It looks like this might be some kind of acetobacter from oxygen exposure. I do remember getting a lot of air in my system when I was first using the all-in-one pump. In either case, I'll wait and see...
  14. marino

    WineXpert Flat, bodyless, WE Pinot Grigio

    Sorry. I started it may 13 of 2014.. It looks like I was a little too specific but not specific enough.
  15. marino

    WineXpert Flat, bodyless, WE Pinot Grigio

    Ok. I'll call winexpert and report back on what they say. This does not bode well for what people will be willing to drink coming out of my house... Ugh.. So no chance of a reawakening?
  16. marino

    WineXpert Flat, bodyless, WE Pinot Grigio

    Hm, I think it fermented cool.. And has always been at 60f or below. I guess it could be old, but that quick shift seems odd. New in May, great in August, flat in November.. I thought white kits could take a six month bulk aging...
  17. marino

    WineXpert Flat, bodyless, WE Pinot Grigio

    Hi everyone, in May 2013 I pitched yeast on my first kit, a WE Selection Pinot Grigio kit. Everything went well: sg to .996, waited, clarified, bullk aged 2 months on Biolees(experiment) racked off, filtered with AIO whole house setup and bottled. In late August, we opened a couple of bottles...
  18. marino

    "Tips and tricks to using a whole house filter"

    Thanks, Steve. I did look at it but can't see what I'm looking at. Is there a notch or something I should be looking at?
  19. marino

    "Tips and tricks to using a whole house filter"

    Thanks for the video, Bob! I have some wines indeed to filter but am having trouble with ask kinds of air in the filter and carboy. I know Steve suggests marking the housing, but I'm not really sure what id be marking. I'm wondering if you had any issues with that. What does the pipe do?