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  1. Jal5

    Winexpert Valroza

    Oct. 2017 It was my first kit and restarted my wine making hobby. I had started over 30 yrs prior then life got in the way! Joe
  2. Jal5

    Winexpert Valroza

    I think mine was Selection
  3. Jal5

    Winexpert Valroza

    My kit was very much like Ceeaton said minus the grape skins. I used the yeast in the kit IIRC. not a real early drinker. At 8-9 mos it wasn’t bad and at 12 it was pretty darn good. I think I have a bottle or two left.
  4. Jal5

    Is what I made still salvagable?

    Good advice from scooter I think. Blitzburg if you live near Pgh there are several places in town to get those supplies. Joe
  5. Jal5

    Corks and a corker.

    Don’t rule out looking fir a used floor corker. I got the Portuguese one at a very reasonable price in good condition last year. Joe
  6. Jal5

    Pear wine clearing

    I like the experimental nature of fruit wines. That kumquat gave me nothing but trouble with the yeast starting.
  7. Jal5

    Post a photo, any photo

    Ohio beauty!
  8. Jal5

    Post a photo, any photo

    Caught this one just right
  9. Jal5

    Considering hosting a wine competition

    Got it. Thankyou. Will let you know how it goes. Our club hosts a fundraiser the Festa del Vino which focuses on different regions of Italy and the respective wines. The competition will be an added attraction that night. Takes place in November so we have some time to plan this. Joe
  10. Jal5

    Pear wine clearing

    I was thinking the same thing scooter. I have a full 5 g carboy plus two bottles now so I can do bench testing with one of the bottles. It’s not a bad taste dry just cannot quite describe it. I may experiment with some pear extract if I can find it. I also have 3 g of white kumquat wine...
  11. Jal5

    Pear wine clearing

    Just about two weeks later and with KC added this cleared up amazingly well. Crystal clear in the wine glass. Tastes like a dry white wine hard to compare it to anything. A mild pear taste. Next step will be bulk aging maybe 8-9 months. Should be a nice summer 2020 wine.
  12. Jal5

    What are your go-to deal websites?

    Homewinery concentrates are good for how much finished wine in your experience? Looks like a quart of concentrate? Joe
  13. Jal5

    Considering hosting a wine competition

    Thx Norcal. That’s a great job. Could you email me that scoring sheet? Joe
  14. Jal5

    Considering hosting a wine competition

    Thanks so much for that help! We don’t know how many people will enter really but my guess is it won’t be a big group at least not this first year. Joe
  15. Jal5

    Add more robust yeast during secondary fermentation?

    What about doing a yeast now that will handle more alcohol like EC1118 which is a real workhorse and I think will go to 18% abv Joe
  16. Jal5

    Considering hosting a wine competition

    i belong to an Italian American Club and we are considering doing a wine competition among the members. I’ve never even attended one let alone hosted one. Is there any source of “how to” tips you can suggest?? Joe
  17. Jal5

    What R you doing today?

    Degassed 5 g of pear wine today. Added kieselsol/chitosan too and clearing pretty nice. Probably will need more pectic enzyme though. Tastes very delicate the 12% etoh is very mild in it surprisingly.
  18. Jal5

    What vegetables can wine be made from

    Rocky That’s a lot going on. Don’t know if I could keep track of everything!
  19. Jal5

    Italian floor corker

    I found the Portuguese used last year at a good price. Great investment makes corking a breeze